Stuart107 Member


  • It's strange when I visit the US and see white eggs :smile: since all eggs over this side of the pond are brown. I have vague memories of white/brown mix when growing up in the 70s but then the UK got the "brown eggs are better" idea in a big way and now eggs are universally brown. Well nearly universally brown! According…
  • That's 190C so 375F!
  • I suspect it might be a actually be right... USDA ( gives 109 kcal / 100g (61 kcal / 56g). Edit: Not a kcal/kJ mixup as I thought :)
  • Typically switchable between stones/pounds, e.g. 9st 13lb, and kilograms. In my experience it's rarer to see scales that weight just in pounds, e.g. 139lb.
  • Tesco stock them (
  • Dry pasta - what ever the type - is basically 80% carbohydrate with the remainder split between water (10%) and protein/fat. A single gram of carbohydrate or protein contains roughly 4kcal whereas fats are 9kcal/g. The carbs in 100g of dry pasta therefore contribute 320kcal (100g * 0.8 * 4) with the protein/fats making up…
  • Not all "Brits" do... I use Kg :) (and grams for food weight) but my wife only ever thinks in stones. Why? Tradition! We do have a rather mixed up weights and measurements system. On the roads distances are in miles/yards but bridge heights in metres. Petrol is sole in litres but consumption measured in miles-per-gallon.…
  • Thanks for that... I'll definitely look into the Trader Joe's since I've seem so many mentions on here.
  • OK... I'm in Manhattan next week for 7-8 days staying in a hotel on 43rd street just off Times Square. No car so where would be good places to go? Looking at Google maps there's places called "The Food Emporium" not far away and their website seems like it's a promising start but are there any other places within walking…
  • Looking at your diary you're using the "Dole - Bananas" entry which has a claimed 28g of sugar for each 100kcal. The USDA entry for a medium 7" banana (search for "bananas raw" in the database and pick the entry without the asterisk) has 105 kcal but only 14g of sugar and 27g of total carbs. It's a good idea to do a quick…
  • Perhaps, but it is 376 cal/100g and since couscous is basically carbohydrate/protein both of which have 4 cal/g it's not going to be far out... Also don't fall into the trap of spurious accuracy since all measurements, whether weight, calories, etc., have a degree of uncertainty so at the end of the day you can only do the…
  • Try (there's both "1 cup" and "100g" servings).