One banana and over my sugar?

I pretty much always have a smoothie for breakfast and a smoothie with 1 banana and 1 cup low fat milk puts me 13g over my sugar, by the end of the day I'm usually way over my sugar because of the one banana in the morning, should I change my sugar goals or just leave it and ignore my sugar? If you look at my diary then the reason some days are empty is because I write it down if I don't have the change to get to a computer


  • richtala
    richtala Posts: 10
    Might want to switch to almond milk, less sugar and you can keep your banana
  • mickiebabs
    mickiebabs Posts: 183 Member
    Depending on your stats, your sugar level could probably go up a bit. Personally, I avoid bananas like the plague because they spike my blood sugar and then it bottoms out leaving me a dizzy mess. I agree with the almond milk. Or even almond/coconut blend. I use Silk Almond/Coconut Unsweetened and it's 35 calories with 1 carb and zero sugar. I'd stay away from a Soy product simply because it can mess with your estrogen level if you intake too much.
  • Stuart107
    Stuart107 Posts: 17 Member
    Looking at your diary you're using the "Dole - Bananas" entry which has a claimed 28g of sugar for each 100kcal. The USDA entry for a medium 7" banana (search for "bananas raw" in the database and pick the entry without the asterisk) has 105 kcal but only 14g of sugar and 27g of total carbs.

    It's a good idea to do a quick sanity check on the food database stats -- especially when there are so many entries for something like one banana -- by cross-checking with the USDA database. You only need to do this once for each food since it's then in your recent food list.
  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    Bananas are good. You have room in your daily calories for a banana. The MFP sugar goals are weird. Change your sugar settings to fiber or Vit C -- try something besides sugar for a little while.
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member