

  • 1. Eggs 2. Silk Vanilla light 3. Justin's Maple Almond Butter 4. Spinach 5. Kale 6. Black beans 7. Avocado 8. Pam olive oil spray 9. Brummel & Brown butter 10. Cucumbers
  • I completely agree! I am addicted to success b/c failure is not an option!!
  • GIrl, I think it's hard for all of us! I know it was extremely hard for me at one point, but I had to remember to take each day as it comes and now I'm not as stressed about weight loss as I once was! :-)
  • Hey girl! I sit at my job everyday so I always mark mine as sedentary no matter how many workouts I may have. I actually changed mine to lightly active to increase my caloric intake and my pounds are shedding faster now. If you work out 3-4 times per week, I would change it to lightly active depending on how many calories…
  • Great info love -- thanks! There are only 3 items I don't eat on this list -- canteloupe, butternut squash, & sweet potatoes! So I'm doing good!
  • I'm sick that there is no Trader Joe's near me, but there is the internet and where there's a will, there is a delivery company! For those with no Trader Joe's, you can order it there -- a little more pricey than you would find in the store I'm sure,…
  • This is my fav stuffed shells recipe -- I make them often & they are delish -- the recipe comes from Eating Well! Ingredients 24 jumbo pasta shells, (8 ounces) 1 1/2 teaspoons extra-virgin olive oil 2 onions, finely chopped 2 pounds fresh spinach, trimmed and washed, or two 10-ounce packages frozen chopped spinach, thawed…
  • I hate the words EPIC & FAIL and any combination of the two. I hate the word SWAGGER and any variation of the word. I hate any derogatory words related to people who are of homosexual or any other sexual preference other than hetero -- namely *kitten*, QUEER, *kitten*, etc....
  • You got this girl -- that is nothing! You will do it with ease!! :-) And yes spending time with your loved ones, make it that much easier!!!
  • Welcome to my life lady!!! I feel your pain, after I grad with this bachelors (which is my 2nd one), I am going to get my Masters and then PHd, so I will be 40 by the time I finish, but it's ok, it will be worth it and so will yours! You can do it, I have faith in you -- you are going to kick those finals behinds and get…
  • Once a month, that's the only way I can stay sane!!!
  • I would have a body like Beyonce! I would live in NYC & be rich!!!
  • I have been told by my trainer that cutting out carbs completely is absolutely ridiculous -- she says carbs are what gives your body fuel, we need them to sustain a healthy lifestyle! I indulge in brown rice, whole wheat bread, quinoa, & white or red skin potatoes etc & I managed to clock a 13 lb weight loss last month, so…
  • I have soooooooooo many, but right now one of my favs is definitely "The Black Keys", plus I just saw them in concert Sat night & they rocked my socks!!! :happy:
  • Beyonce all day long!!
  • I would love to join!!!
  • I love tattoos on a woman as long as they are tastefully done. I have 3 myself, they are small, but tasteful and plan on getting a few more.
  • My stomach & inner thighs! :mad:
  • LOL -- hang on sister! I'm telling you they're addictive, the beats are so catchy and great to workout too, but I simply have to hide my love for them!!! :-) We can just hold hands & hang our heads!! :-)
  • OMG -- I have 1,000 songs that I hate that I love, but I can't get enough of them -- where should I begin?? 1 -- No Hands -- Waka Flocka Flame 2 -- Dance *kitten* -- Big Sean 3 -- Do It Like Her -- Diggy Simmons (catchy song) 4 -- anything Justin Bieber I'm so ashamed!! **hangs head**
  • This is an amazing post & you are an amazing woman for posting it! These little tidbits of motivation are so inspiring, you have no idea!! You have definitely encouraged me, lots of love your way as well doll!!! :-) :smile:
  • My trainer has me do abs twice a week and I do them on the wknd at home! My stomach is where I hold the majority of my weight & it's got to go!
  • MFP recommends I eat 1300 cal per day and I eat every morsel of that 1300 cal, plus I exercise and burn at least 300 cal everyday & I clocked a 16 lb weight loss last yr when I did this. I am back again this yr to do the same and I am doing everything the exact same way I did it last yr. If nothing else, eat the…
  • I listen to a mixture of songs to include rock & R&B! I love 90's rock, such as, STP & Jimmy Eat World. I also throw in some Gospel jams, provided they have good beats that I would dance to normally. I listen to Beyonce "Run The World" is a great one, but for whole cds I don't know -- I have 3 different workout playlists…
  • I think the best motivation for losing weight is ME! I have always been the type of person, no matter how I looked, if he doesn't like me the way I am or think I am beautiful and sexy, I don't need him! I recently ended a 4 yr relationship, which had nothing to do with my weight, but he loved me just how I was; however, he…
  • Hi Ms. Nina, I have a personal trainer, who promotes strength at least 3 days a week and we always do it on days I do cardio, so yes I think according to my trainer, it's fine to do strength on the days you run -- I think it works out better when you do it that way anyway. I am no professional, this is just speaking from…
  • Recently ended a 4 yr relationship! Single, playing, & never been happier!! :-)
  • WOW! Great job -- congratulations, that is an amazing accomplishment, I know it feels great!! :-)
  • It might be that you gained 4lbs of muscle hun! Don't freak out just yet, it could be a good gain -- if you cut your calories significantly and you are exercising like that, I'm certain it's muscle that you gained and not bad weight -- keep up the good work, you seem to be on the right track!! Emily
  • This website is ahhmaze! Thanks for posting, I have already found several recipes I want to try!! ~Emily