SilverlMelody Member


  • I think they are scary! I try my best to buy non-GMO products in the store (like when I'm choosing my almond milk, peanut butter, jelly, etc.) but at the same time, I usually just check the thing I'm buying for the ingredients and how healthy it is (fats, sugar, sodium, etc.). I know when I buy bananas that are organic, it…
  • Thank you everyone. I found out the other that I had actually lost 3lbs in those 4 weeks, Not much but it is a lost. I think a fire in me has been lit once again. Thank you so much for your help.
  • Unfair :( I still want to do it regardless as I'm sure I can. Why not 110?
  • Don't log yourself so frequently. If I had a scale, I'd do it every 2 weeks. You'll get discouraged if you do it too frequently.
  • Thank you, sirromford. :) I added you and thank you to the post above. I understand that and agree as well. There is a lot of pressure for women to be thin. I want to be thin though, not because of the pressure (though it does play a part), I want to be thin because I feel uncomfortable in this body. I hate not being able…
  • Someone who isn't funny. You have to have a sense of humor. You can't be someone who's serious all the time but of course, you have to be serious when the time calls for it. I have more but that's the biggest one I have. Atheists too? D: Awws. Well, I'm more of agnostic than atheist but I wouldn't really wanna be with…
  • I don't know my exact weight as I haven't gotten a scale yet (we use to have one but my parents kinda threw it out when we were going through some real tough times). I'm guessing I'm around 250lbs as I weight myself at the doctors not too long ago. I was less but I added like 7lbs just in case because I could have gained…