Motivation and Questions

Hi! My name is Myriam. I've been on mfp for a long time but I began losing weight in or around June. I wish I stuck to it and I could have been at my goal by next year May like I wanted.

I weight 106.53kg (235lbs although I have to weigh myself today to see if I've gained as I haven't been watching what I eat for about a month now because of my injury and feeling down). I want to be 50kg or 110lbs. A lot of people tell me this is too thin? But I checked and according to my height of 5'4", I won't be underweight. I want to be thin but not scary thin. I know everyone looks different at different weights so if I get to 135lb and see that I look already thin (like Miley Cyrus or Jeffree Star thin) I'll stay at that weight. This is might be influenced by me wanting to look like these two celebrities but it's also because I just want to be thin and healthy. I have wanted this and tried working for it since I was in the 5th grade and now I'm a senior in highschool and I have lost 17lbs so far so I know it's possible to get to the weight I want but I've been lacking motivation recently. I just hate that I've hurt myself by working too hard in the beginning.

I'm aiming to lose 10-12lbs a month starting tomorrow. I won't starve myself but I'll be eating 1300-1400 calories a day and I don't know how much I'll burn but I'll be doing 1-2 hours in the gym of slow walking and a lot of upper body exercise like boxing and weights.

I lost 4lbs a month by just eating less so I don't mind losing 8lbs only until my knee gets better enough for me to do more walking and biking.

So my questions are, is 50kg too little? I'm trying to lose 125lbs by next mid November in time for holiday sales. Is this realistic? (That might decrease to just 100lbs by next November) Any tips you can give to someone who's hurt and can't do much cardio exercises? (My left knee is weak and I can't walk on it for long)

And can I add some friends for more motivation? Anyone here want to buddy up with me? ^^ Old, young, anything is fine. I respect everyone.


  • lindsayvernon
    lindsayvernon Posts: 56 Member
    I don't want to come off as a downer for you, but I don't think you should set your goals to try and look like celebrities. They can workout up to 5 hours a day, which is not possible for the average person. They also restrict diets and aren't the healthiest of people to look up to.

    I wouldn't say that losing 100lbs in a year is completely unrealistic, but I would focus more on how you feel and not the number that appears on the scale. Take measurements as you'll see results there. Just know that this is a lifestyle change and to get where you want to be you have to be ready for the ups and downs that come along with it.
  • p4ulmiller
    p4ulmiller Posts: 588 Member
    Hi SilverMelody,

    Tough love time.

    Sorry to say that it looks like you are setting yourself up to fail from the outset. I know this isn't what you want to hear so I'll explain what I mean.

    1. Don't give yourself deadlines. They are artificial. If you miss one by a day or a week, your brain will tell you you've failed.
    1. This is a lifestyle change. What you change now, you are changing for the rest of your life. For ever.
    1. Stop making excuses. Injuries do not make you put on weight. Eating too much makes you put on weight. Eat less.
    1. Thin does not mean healthy. Healthy means healthy. Move more. Walk, run, buy a bike. Lift heavy things. Do it now.
    1. You will never look like a celebrity. You are not on the photoshop diet. Be proud of yourself. Take pictures now so you can refer back to what you used to look like.

    That's it really. It's simple. Eat less, move more. Track everything. Weigh everything you eat. Be honest with yourself.

    Good luck, and add me.

    (Ps: did you notice my list was all numbered 1? That's because they are equally important!)
  • CariS001
    CariS001 Posts: 169 Member
    Welcome Myriam!

    While the previous posters were all correct in their advice and thoughts, I remember what it's like to be bombarded by those images and feeling the need to measure up. The stresses of ending high school and choosing a path. Add on top of that trying to change 10 years of unhealthy eating patterns and exercise patterns... yes, you need support!

    Would be more than happy to help! Feel free to add me and message me if you want some feedback on plans, exercise, eating challenges.

    Take it one day at a time. You are making a change for your LIFE. This is where you make the choice to develop awesome habits that will make a huge difference as you embark on your adult life :)
  • lissaann29078
    lissaann29078 Posts: 53 Member
    Hi SilverMelody,

    Tough love time.

    Sorry to say that it looks like you are setting yourself up to fail from the outset. I know this isn't what you want to hear so I'll explain what I mean.

    1. Don't give yourself deadlines. They are artificial. If you miss one by a day or a week, your brain will tell you you've failed.
    1. This is a lifestyle change. What you change now, you are changing for the rest of your life. For ever.
    1. Stop making excuses. Injuries do not make you put on weight. Eating too much makes you put on weight. Eat less.
    1. Thin does not mean healthy. Healthy means healthy. Move more. Walk, run, buy a bike. Lift heavy things. Do it now.
    1. You will never look like a celebrity. You are not on the photoshop diet. Be proud of yourself. Take pictures now so you can refer back to what you used to look like.

    That's it really. It's simple. Eat less, move more. Track everything. Weigh everything you eat. Be honest with yourself.

    Good luck, and add me.

    (Ps: did you notice my list was all numbered 1? That's because they are equally important!)

    I couldn't have said it better myself!!
  • SilverlMelody
    SilverlMelody Posts: 11 Member
    Thank you everyone. I found out the other that I had actually lost 3lbs in those 4 weeks, Not much but it is a lost. I think a fire in me has been lit once again. Thank you so much for your help.
  • Swiftdogs
    Swiftdogs Posts: 328 Member
    I strongly agree with #1 on p4ulmiller's list :smile: . You are young, so the habit changes you make now will last a very long time. Losses are good - celebrate those. There will be times when you don't lose, or even gain. Stick to your numbers, and you WILL reach your goal. Good luck!