When do YOU log a loss?



  • rosemaryhon
    rosemaryhon Posts: 507 Member
    I weighed myself the other day, it seemed as though I may have lost a couple of pounds. But I didn't log it. The day after, they seemed to be back, and I didn't log it, and was glad I hadn't logged the first loss. Today, I seem to be a definite 3lbs down, and I'm still scared to log it. Then i realised, I'm pretty sure my head has already decided I won't log a loss til i see the scale hit 11stone - why did I decide that? I didn't even weigh regularly until I started seeing this loss, now i keep jumping back on to check if a) it's real and b) if it's gone again - argh! Apparently i am too chicken to log my loss in case I lose the loss, lmao.

    So, when does everyone here decide to log a loss? Am I just being a bit of a crazy lady??

    I've learned to wait a couple of days before logging weight loss. Last time I excitedly logged 1 lb down, it came right back, and it's taken me weeks to drop 2 to make it legit and have my weight loss total be accurate (I did not want to add that lb back! ;) ).
  • aNewYear123
    aNewYear123 Posts: 279 Member
    I agree with daiellemm1, my rule for logging is if I see the same weight for three consecutive days in a row I will enter in the new weight. I weigh myself daily at the same time every morning as a little motivation (either if the number is a little higher or the same it's a reminder that I need to stay on track if I want to meet my goals, or if it shows that I've lost weight it's a little boost of confidence that what I"m doing actually works). Many people think weighing themselves daily is a bad idea because the number often fluctuates but for me weighing myself daily is a win-win because it's a constant motivation tool; and if it shows the same number three days in a row it's most likely a permanent change rather than a natural fluctuation in water weight, etc., so I think it's okay to log it.

    ^^ This
  • Me2FitMe
    Me2FitMe Posts: 1,285 Member
    I log weekly whatever the number may be... but I do still weigh daily to see the fluctuations...
  • Rak0ribz
    Rak0ribz Posts: 177 Member
    Weigh daily, log daily, don't worry too much about daily fluctuations. I just like having lots of data points on my chart.
  • JRSchumaker
    JRSchumaker Posts: 93 Member
    I log on either Sunday or Monday, and ONLY once a week. Whatever it is, it is.

    I usually weight almost every day, though I'm getting out of the habit. It was a great tool for seeing what a difference sodium or overdoing carbs does as an immediate effect.
  • Mommybug2
    Mommybug2 Posts: 149 Member
    I weigh daily just to gather info. I log a loss when it has stuck for a few days so I'm sure that it is not just a fluctuation of sorts. For example this morning it appears that I lost two pounds. I will log that when I have seen it for a couple days :)

  • stealthq
    stealthq Posts: 4,298 Member
    I weigh every day, because the fluctuations don't bother me.

    I log the lowest number I see on the day I see it. All I'm doing is tracking the trend. It's not like any number you pick is 'real' except for that moment anyway. Your weight is too fluid. Just be consistent and you will have an accurate measure of how quickly (or not) you are losing.
  • salladeve
    salladeve Posts: 1,053 Member
    I weigh daily just to gather info. I log a loss when it has stuck for a few days so I'm sure that it is not just a fluctuation of sorts. For example this morning it appears that I lost two pounds. I will log that when I have seen it for a couple days :)

    This is what I do now. I once logged a 2 1/2 lb loss, the the next day I was up 2 lbs, and it took another 2 weeks until I hit that 2112 again. Just this morning I logged a 1.6 lb loss because when I got on the yesterday and the day before it was the same. I know it sounds crazy to some, but for my mental health I need to see a loss when I log or I don't log it!
  • MrsBozz1
    MrsBozz1 Posts: 248 Member
    I weigh every Monday as soon as I get up and after I go to the bathroom, wearing the same thing. If there is weight lost I log it! Sometimes it is 2-3 lbs sometimes it is only .2 lbs but whatever it is I log it! Having a routine ...same time of day, same clothes ect....helps me to have less ups and downs. It hasn't done me wrong yet :smile: Good luck to all! :flowerforyou:
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I log every time I weigh myself, whether I gain or lose... makes it easier to track the pattern.
  • SilverlMelody
    SilverlMelody Posts: 11 Member
    Don't log yourself so frequently. If I had a scale, I'd do it every 2 weeks. You'll get discouraged if you do it too frequently.
  • Tiffa0909
    Tiffa0909 Posts: 191 Member
    Saturday is the end of the week , so I log almost every week. If I have been retaining water or was not as diligent I wait until the next week.
  • labeachgirl
    labeachgirl Posts: 158 Member
    I log it in on the 3 day I see the same (or less) weight
  • Purplebunnysarah
    Purplebunnysarah Posts: 3,252 Member
    Log daily in Excel and track the trend. Since I recommitted 3 weeks ago I've only logged once, though, last Friday. It took me 2 weeks to shed everything I'd gained in the first week of the month :P. I plan on logging every Friday from now on until I reach my goal (unless on holidays).
  • after a poop


    I have a wi-fi scale that syncs to MFP, so it just logs every time I step on it. I weigh myself almost every day so my ticker gets crazy sometimes but whatever.

    There's an app that goes with the scale and you can turn on the trend line. I don't pay as much attention to the fluctuations, just the the trend line and where it's going.
  • mkramarz
    mkramarz Posts: 47 Member
    I log in every week - loss or gain - so far losses - I have to admit when I don't lose I wait 2 days and weigh again - So far I've only logged in losses but if a gain happens, it happens....
  • I_Will_End_You
    I_Will_End_You Posts: 4,397 Member
    I generally wait until I get that weight about three mornings in a row. Usually if I get it three consecutive days, it sticks.
  • SwitzEngine
    SwitzEngine Posts: 3,418 Member
    Once a week
  • brdnw
    brdnw Posts: 565 Member
    i weigh myself probably 5 times a day...the only time i update my weight is from my morning weight and only if i've been at that weight for like 2 days...i eat really consistently and rarely deviate, and i workout really consistently, so my weight really doesn't fluctuate daily very much at all.
  • memawx12
    memawx12 Posts: 11 Member
    Every Monday morning is weigh and measure time. I sometimes weigh a couple times through the week but it's not the "official" weight for logging; it's just to satisfy my own curiousity.