

  • I feel people can do what ever they want to their bodies which also included they can put when ever they want into their bodies. There doesn't have to be any mean word extanged between both vegitatrians and carnivoirse. You only live once so put/do what ever pleases you!
  • Mine would be Selma Hayek. She has curves all the right places and tiny where she needs to be. She is all natural and beautiful.
  • Wow looks like you could be a student and not a teacher! What's your secret?!
  • That wants to have fun tonight? HEHE sorry your title is a country song by Dierks Bentley.
  • WOW!! This ste is for encouragement and respect and you clearly don't care about others on here! We are all here to help each other out with any advice! You should stay quite if you are not going to be supportive or find another site to join where you can just focus on yourself!
  • Is there a boys and girls club near by? They have a $5 a year enrollment and you can drop him off there. That's what I'm doing with my daughter. I paid $100 for the whole summer camp there and she is really excited! I have to work all day so paying for daycare or camps were about $200 per week and at the boys and girls…
  • Aaron Rodgers from the Green Bay Packers and Dierks Bentley the county singers!! They're my papa chulos!! They have the most amazing blue eye!! I'm a sucker for blue eyes!!
  • Sounds to me you already have your mind made up even before you posted this. People are giving you good advice and you reply with "he's my sole mate" So if you don't want to take anybody advice you should keep quiet instead of wasting peoples time. At the end you are going to do what ever you want. Also even if you say you…
  • It's abuse so please run fast! I suffered for year with physical and verbal abuse and finally ended it. I'm so much more healthy and happy and found a great guy that loves both my daughter and myself.
  • I don't fart in front of my boyfriend. I know he has seen me naked, but I always cover up no matter what. He still thinks it cute, but I just have this little girl insecurity about my body. Yes we do live together he on the other hand doesn't keep anything from me.
  • I use to be on Depo when I was 16 years old and went off when I was 19 cause my step dad's insurance didn't cover me anymore so I was about to get my insurance through work and get pregnant. I got back on depo again when I was 22 years old and stopped when I was 24 because the doctor wanted to try something else. Well now…
  • She was out of line. My boyfriend is a trainer and I know his coworkers and they would never say that to a client. I would tell her that she was wrong for saying that as a trainer. That she should keep her personal opinions to herself. I then would go and ask for another trainer and explain to them why you are wanting a…
  • My boyfriend takes medication that kills his sex drive so it's frustrating for me, but I do understand he needs his medication.
  • Stay strong we have all been there. My thing is I don't eat and drink a few on an empty stomach. Hang in there things will get better!
  • Why does he have to explain to her different ways. She should understand the first time he tells her. She is not a child that you need to repeat and remind. They are both adults and once you have talking it shouldn't be explained again and again.
  • She is a grown women and should understand where he is coming from. Not to be mean or anything, but she seems pathetic and clingy. I meet my boyfriend at the gym and we both go the same days after work, but he does his thing and I do mine. We chat in between sets to see how each other is doing, but other than that we don't…
  • You can mix it with anything! I normally make a healthy shake in the morning. Milk 1%, bananas, oatmeal, honey bunches of oat cereal, scoop of chocolate protein power. It's really good and it's really filling until lunch.
  • As long as you feel good and want to teach you shouldn't let anybody hold you back! My boyfriend is a personal trainer and he had an amazing body, but he got hurt in the army so he had to get shoulder surgery. Well his shoulder was so bad they told him he couldn't lift weights for at least 6 months. Since he couldn't go…