

  • I'm in a similar boat. I used this site daily for most of 2011. Life happened, I let things (myself) get out of control with my eating habits again and gained back every ounce of the almost 60 pounds I'd lost. I'll be 40 this year, have a health issue that is getting worse because of my poor eating habits, So I'm trying to…
  • Bon Jovi, 1986 , Portland OR, Memorial Coliseum.
  • I'm in the same boat and it sunk! From Jan to Aug last year I lost 60 pounds and since December I have put 30 back on. I did the same as you... watched myself fall off the wagon... telling myself the whole time that I should not be eating these foods and I did it anyway. I'm very very ashamed of myself. I've been…
  • Yes, most definitely. We don't want to hurt their feelings for offend them ~sigh~ But if ya think about it... telling them no thank you with a short explanation, I bet they'd understand and not be hurt or offended.
  • I'm in a similar boat. I dropped almost 60 pounds last year and have put back on about 30 since December :sad: I have only myself to blame. Trying really hard to get my self discipline back on track. So hard lately.
  • Oh man... to win the MegaMillions.... New cars for me and the hubby and mom-in-law (we all live together), College funds for the kids plus the one who is already in college, finish the remodel and clean up of our house (hire professionals to do it, lol... and add on a home gym!!!), take care of my parents financial woes,…
  • I have an inner ear condition called Miniere's disease (there's no cure). It gives me bouts of vertigo and really effects my balance. Before I was jogging and doing workout videos 4 to 5 times per week. Now I'm happy if I can get in a good walk once or twice per week.
  • I've been wondering the same thing as to how we should be logging the weights of the meats we eat. I did a before and after tonight with a boneless skinless chicken breast. Raw it was 5 oz. Cooked it was 3.24 oz. But which was is the correct way to enter it? I want the calories to be right.
  • I think walking dvds are great. I have the Biggest Loser Powerwalk and love it.
  • Back rubs Foot rubs Opening my water bottles when my hands are hurting Telling me I'm beautiful/gorgeous/etc when I am so not feeling that way He pays close enough attention to my moods that he figures out when I'm going to "start" before I figure it out.
  • Hello, my name Anne and I'm addicted to MFP, FB, my puppies and kitties, coffee, and Words with Friends (14 or 15 games going at once!)
  • I find that staying away from breads, pastas and other refined carbs helps me to stay away from other things that have sugar. I still eat fruits. The longer you stay away from those things the easier it will get, the cravings will die down.
  • Try to stay away from breads, pastas, etc. Veggies and lean meats. Most places serve double or more of meat portions so maybe eat just half of the meat and bring the rest home to have the next day. And yes, have fun and enjoy the special evening out with your hubby.
  • Yes, you are definitely in the right place. i too am back on the wagon. I used MFP for most of last year and lost 57 pounds. I then made the mistake of letting life get in the way and started eating crappy again, stopped exercising and therefor started feeling blah again. This is my first week back to eat healthy and…
  • My oldest daughter was about 9 (she's 19 now) and was expressing her worry over going to the bathroom on the airplane (her first flight would be soon)..... she thought when she flushed the toilet that her poo and pee was just dumped out of the airplane right there in flight and it would land on someones head! ROFL!!!
  • Fresh fruit! Blueberries, strawberries, peaches, the possibilties are endless. Oatmeal and fresh fruit is my breakfast everyday.
    in oatmeal Comment by AnneMK5 August 2011
  • Have the whole week (and the next two as well) off from work (PAID) while my dad is here visiting us. The kids, even though they are teenagers, are very excited that G-pa is arriving tomorrow :)
  • For most things if it's in a box, bag or bottle it processed to some degree. Definitely start reading labels. Stay away from high fructose corn syrup and hydrogenated oils. Most packaged things are loaded in sugar and/or salt. The closer a food is to it natural form the better it's going to be for you. A fresh peach is way…
  • I have definitely come to believe in being educated about what I am putting into my body and the effects it's going to have. I enjoy sharing with other what I've learned and what is working for me. And learning the same from others.
  • I'm 19 lbs from goal. I'm just going to keep doing what I've been doing. Eat healthy, track what I eat, and exercise.
  • Don't do it! You can resist!
  • Sounds like you're on the right track. Try to stay away from processed foods. Have lots of fresh fruits and veggies. And enjoy :)
  • I think that's a fantastic idea. If I went to the gym (I walk outside or use workout dvds at home) I would absolutely do that. Maybe you'll see her there again and can do it. Or maybe you'll see someone else to "pay it forward" to.
  • What he doesn't understand is that compulsive overeating/binging/sugar addiction is a disease. It might help you to look into Overeaters Anonymous. I know it has really helped me. There are also books out there that totally break it down and explain how people are addicted to sugars and bad carbs like an alcoholic is to…
  • Have you ever gone a day or two without eating any grains? See if the bloating and icky feeling goes away. I am/was the same way. I don't eat breads, pastas, etc, and I no longer have that bloated feeling. Same with dairy products. May just have to do a process of elimination.
    in Belly Ache Comment by AnneMK5 June 2011
  • It's very normal with weight loss due to vitamin deficiency. I've been taking a multi vitamin and biotin daily which has helped some for me. I've read that it will grow again.
    in hair loss Comment by AnneMK5 June 2011
  • Sounds like you're ready and committed for this lifestyle change. That's fantastic! You can do it! Maybe sweetly let your boyf know that you love to receive gifts but no more food gifts. Especially foods that you're trying to stay away from. I've had to do that with my family too.
  • How about raw broccoli and cauliflower? No fruit at all?.... of any kind?? oh that sucks... I am so sorry.
  • You are definitely not alone. I know that voice you speak of. I've done a whole lot of battling with it myself. I am a compulsive overeater. When I finally realized this I sought out Overeaters Anonymous. I've been attending a local OA meeting for 7 months now. A place where others, men and women of all ages, are just like…
  • Wow, I bet that had your heart skittering!
    in Scary NSV Comment by AnneMK5 June 2011