cathleen73 Member


  • I think the people who are the most annoying can be the ones who have lost a lot of weight themselves are are suddenly "experts". Different things work for different people. My husband dropped 160lbs through diet alone. Working out didn't work for him bc he found it made him hungrier and more likely to eat more than he…
  • I bought a bag of cauliflower fried rice from Trader Joe's. Added 1 lb of boneless skinless chicken breast, some flavored wok oil, and towards the end added 2 eggs and scrambled with a little fish sauce for flavor. divided it up for 2 meals clocking in at 500 calories each. you could use less oil or chicken, or divide it…
  • I think part of the issue is the time of the year. I got one too and thought the veggies were a bit mushy, but they seem softer than the summer ones.
  • When I make big one pot dishes, I add up all the calories I add in. Then I get the total weight. Then I divide it out by ounces to get how much per ounce...or if you are putting it into equal size containers..just divide total calories by how many jars/etc.. even if I skim off some fat, i usually still go by total…
  • You should be able to have your doctor adjust it for you. They can look at your card and see how you're doing and make changes.
  • Good job so far! I also have over 100 to lose. I started a couple of years ago and was doing well for 3 months. I'm a foster mom whose kids ended up being sent up after almost 1.5 years and I kind of got in a screw it mode. I have new kids who I've had for a year. I started again about 14 days ago and really want to make…
  • my husband does ddp yoga. it has a variety of workouts and we found out about it from his dad. here's a video from youtube about a guy who was disabled who used it to get fit. my husband has been doing it since around august and has lost over 30 pounds without changing his diet…
  • the 1390 is saying based on the information you entered and your activity level to lose the amount of weight per week you said you wanted to, eat 1390. that's assuming no extra exercise past your normal activity level. if you exercise more, it'll now say you can eat more. for instance let's say my calorie goal per day is…
  • calorie king books have generic restaurant foods, like average dishes and individual ingredients to help you get basic info . not sure it has more than fitnesspal. what i've done bc i love independent restaurants, is call ahead to places and ask if they have nutritional info. sometimes they'll give you basic info on how…
  • you eat 1390. if you exercise and log it, it says you can eat more calories. up to you if you do or not. i'm a big girl, so it gives me lots of calories. i try not to go over and ideally end each day with 200 ish but i do log my workouts. so far about 58 days in, i'm down 14.7 pounds.
  • actually, if you're really overweight, you need to eat more in general. think of it this way. if you weigh 150 pounds and walk a mile versus being 150 pounds and carrying an extra 100 pounds with you, which will burn more calories? You need more calories just to sustain your weight, so you don't have to cut a lot to start…