Some serious foodporn up in here. Vindaloo and Greek yogurt marinated chicken breasts, apple cider/olive oil cole slaw, black beans and a rangoon. Feel free to follow me on instagram /sdx76 . I post lots of food porn there. Carl 478/*402*/220
They can be a symptom of MRSA. That can be serious. Get checked out. I have them too. The condition is called Hidradenitis supprativa. You get bad boils, they sometimes cluster-chain, and sometimes when they blow out on you they leave like a pencil-eraser shape hole and won't heal for weeks (and its kicking in the…
(I'm taking it, not selling it) Its the first thing that has worked for me in over 8 years. Also, they're totally customizable. For breakfast I usually have a almond milk/banana/spinach smoothie (at about 180 calories), and for dinner it goes back and forth, sometimes mint pistachio, pb & jelly (delicious), or fresh…
They're working great for me. YMMV - your mileage may vary. Ive tried for years to lose weight, and only kept gradually increasing. Years of trying to do Atkins has totally wrecked me too. Here's the problem, I love food. And I always try something that is 110% to the wall, and I crash and burn after a few weeks and can't…