Boils and or abcesses....sorry if this is tmi....HELP



  • SanteMulberry
    SanteMulberry Posts: 3,202 Member
    I get them too and they are painful, so bad that I've had to keep them covered with dressings and I've been in tears with the pain. But I've learnt the secret to keeping them to a minimum... GO SUGAR FREE. Seriously it's the best thing to do.
    I spoke to a beauty therapist about them and she said they are diet related. She also said not to squeeze them under the skin as you will damage your skin.
    Since I've changed my eating they don't come up as often at all. No sugar is worth that pain! :sad:

    ^^^^THIS^^^ I used to get them when I was a teenager (I ate a lot of sweets as a teen). Also, if you aren't allergic to pine, you could try a tea tree oil spray (pine and tea tree oil contain terpenes and a number of people are allergic to them). A few drops of oil of lavender in a hot bath can be helpful too.
  • BarackMeLikeAHurricane
    BarackMeLikeAHurricane Posts: 3,400 Member
    Drain them and get on antibiotics. I was on the junk for a few years so I used to get them on my hands, arms, and feet from shooting up.

    great for you for getting clean!!!! That's wonderful!

    Thanks :) I have a little over two years now. Abscesses definitely aren't fun but they're quite treatable.
  • It's Hidradenitis suppurativa
  • marx4
    marx4 Posts: 236 Member
    Are you or have you been tested for diabetes?
  • Brownsbacker4evr
    Brownsbacker4evr Posts: 365 Member
    I haven't had this issue. But if its from friction, try wearing compression shorts. It prevents friction. I actually have made the switch from regular boxers to compression shorts everyday, even when not exercising because they are always comfortable.
  • kristafb
    kristafb Posts: 770 Member
    Do you have PCOS? Woman with Pcos often have this issue, I know I do when I'm not eating right. What a previous poster said about cutting out sugar is huge! and I couldn't agree more!! Also I find having warm baths with epsom salts or even putting warm compresses on the area really helps to draw them out. And as odd as this may sound, a warm teabag on them helps a lot as well. The tannin (sp?) in the tea is very healing. Its no fun. Take care!
  • lithezebra
    lithezebra Posts: 3,670 Member
    I don't know if it will help, but a body wash with salicylic acid keeps my skin clear. I'm assuming that you already take a shower, change out of your sweaty workout clothes asap after exercise, and wear a clean outfit every time you work out. If you actually have boils, not just pimples, a warm wet washcloth helps soften those things up and get them to the surface on their own. Also, if you're having problems in spots that are under elastic, a change in the type of clothing that you wear might help.

    I would pester your doctor for more information, or a referral to a dermatologist! Some people just have sensitive skin, but there are also conditions that can cause skin problems of this nature.
  • snowmanluv
    snowmanluv Posts: 200 Member
    Clean up. Hydrogen peroxide + 1/2 water. Add neosporin for a few days. If not better see doctor. Switch soaps. If you're using a liquid soap go to a bar soap --- Ditto on the Dial. Baby powder also helps in friction areas.
  • Bettyeditor
    Bettyeditor Posts: 327 Member
    So ive been bigger my whole life and for as long as I can remember I have had these boils on my inner thighs. When I work out they tend to get worse. Well now they are spreading from inner thigh to top of thigh and now I have one on my stomach. My dr. Said they are from friction and once I lose I will stop having them...but they are painful and they sick of the scarring. I am so upset right now. Its so frustrating. I am working on changing my lifestyle to be healthy...but its not working on these things. Has anyone had these? Please share! I know they are so embarrassing...but I cant be the only one with this problem...I was okay when they werejust on my thighs but now they are spreading. I even found a small pimple below my breast last week which may be unrelated but is now gone. I need to know that this will go away...thank you!

    I would see a dermatologist and maybe an allergist. When I had abdominal surgery years ago, I got boils that popped and formed abscesses. Took months to heal and I had to go to a wound center at the hospital to get them to heal. It turns out that I had an allergy to the adhesive used in the bandages over my wound after my surgery.

    Getting boils from friction from being overweight is NOT normal. There is a whole huge community here of people who are or have experience with being very overweight and having friction etc. and as you can see, your situation is very rare. I would get it checked out. The skin is the largest elimination organ in the body. A lot of internal health issues show up on the skin. I would investigate the root cause of this problem if I were you.
  • Deanna149
    Deanna149 Posts: 147 Member
    know what you mean - definetely have your doc do a culture, but usually i treat at home with warm compresses, hydrogen peroxide and triple antibiotic bacitracin with sterile bandages, hard to say the cause or what it is unless you see the doc and run tests tho. good luck - feel better!
  • SaraBrown12
    SaraBrown12 Posts: 277 Member
    I had these on my thighs when i first started my weight loss journey and started walking for prolonged periods and general gym circuit classes. I used bio oil on them as it helps with the purple colour scars they leave and they are now gone, it also with being oil was a lubricant to stop more breakouts. I never get them now even though i have further to go on my journey and also the amount i sweat now is minimal as to when i was bigger i used to sweat buckets. I hope you can get on top of this affliction i remember the pain very well :( i did also have one that was so big i ended up being put on anti biotics. Another thing you can put on them to take swelling down when they are angry. I used the round corn plasters with hydrocortisone cream on it over night and they had usually shrunk by the morning. Good luck on your journey and don't give up!!!!!
  • Are you or have you been tested for diabetes?

    I used to get these when my diabetes was out of control. Not so much anymore since my diabetes is now controlled. Doc told me to stay away from bread and he gave me an rx for Phisohex soap.Worked well for me.
  • sdx76
    sdx76 Posts: 4
    They can be a symptom of MRSA. That can be serious. Get checked out.
    I have them too. The condition is called Hidradenitis supprativa. You get bad boils, they sometimes cluster-chain, and sometimes when they blow out on you they leave like a pencil-eraser shape hole and won't heal for weeks (and its kicking in the meantime).

    For me, they seem to come and go in spurts. I havent been able to determine what causes them, but I'm really heavy and I've eaten horribly for years. I was at 480, now Im at 404, and I still get them occasionally.

    Theres a topical thing called benzocaine that takes much of the pain away if they're in a bad place. There's also icthamol (that black tar sulfury smelling stuff) that helps them. Hot rags can help bring them to a head better.

    Its genetic in my family. Mom, Grandmother, sister get them bad. The worse your weight is, the worse they'll be. I'd imagine eating better quality foods, lower on sodium and drinking lots of water will help minimize them, but the best way (and this isnt a short run kind of deal) is losing the weight to minimize the surface area that contacts other surface areas.
  • lithezebra
    lithezebra Posts: 3,670 Member
    Please do not assume that you have any of these conditions until you get a medical diagnosis. Your doctor didn't think that you have anything more serious than chafing. A second opinion might be called for, but don't panic.
  • Mharren
    Mharren Posts: 60
    Ok whoa, STAPH is common on the body and often starts in one place, like the thighs or the arm pits or the *kitten*, whatever is best for promoting uneven bacterial growth (its normal for bacteria to be on you, and for like 1 out of 3 ppl, certain strains of staph, I carry it and have these) and then it moves over the body as the pustules are ruptured and infected discharge is passively spread to a nearby follicle and then another burst and another follicle, etc. Ever seen some with 'BACKne?, it spreads, especially when thier is a source of external 'smearing', like a garment or the flesh of an opposing limb (like your thighs).

    Now since I can't see your lesions I can't say precisely what I suspect it to be, but an infected or blocked hair follicle is quite common, particularly if your seeing scarring after (purplish blemish?). This is even more likely if you groom your pubic region. Now if you have loose skin between your thighs, and your pubic hair actually leaves the vulva itself (most do, your bikini line is what I'm talking about here) the follicle is actually 'loose' more often than not and even without visible inflammation we can often squeeze junk out of them. The hairs also tend to leave the skin at less extreme angles than other parts of the body given pubic hair that 'towards the butt' sort of direction on your lateral bikini line and inner thighs. This makes the embedded length of the hair shaft longer than other area, allowing for the accumulation of detritus and microbes, thus those uninflammed hairs we can squeeze pus and sebum out of.

    There is a plethora of opportunistic species in the flora community that covers your skin, and when given the opportunity to aggregate and reach 'infection' threshold, they will, thus areas of your body that have conditions closer to the microbes optimal environmental levels will be key sites of opportunistic infection: moisture, heat, protection from mechanical debridement.

    That your lesions are spreading suggests a bacterial source, which can be eradicated with systemic antibiotic such as tetracycline (common advanced therapy for treatment resistant acne, for example). If the organism responsible is natural to your individual epidermis, then the infection can easily reappear after systemic treatment. Systemic antibiotics are a gamble in general anyway, and unless the scarring is severe or highly visible I personally wouldn't advise it.

    Assuming this has a bacterial source, I would recommend taking advantage of the fact that bacteria, no matter how 'deadly' or virulent, can't do a damn thing if they can't adhere to their growth surface. Bathing daily and applying mechanical debridement to the areas affected with adequate margins can be effective. Try a loofa or a ...whatcha call it, shower 'poof' and circular motions, you may find this helps.

    If you are at a loss and truly find this alarming, perhaps request that your primary care physician refer you to a dermatologist. Skin lesions are tricky *kitten* and the Dermo's really are the masters. More than half the time the rest of us will give your our best educated guess and say something like 'chafing' which is not an determination of what the lesion is, it's a proposed contributing cause, different things.

    I hope it works out for you and best of luck with your goals.

  • xxnellie146xx
    xxnellie146xx Posts: 996 Member
    Go to your doctor to check them out. It could also be an infection caught from hospitals, gym change rooms, pools and showers etc called MRSA. MRSA is drug resistant. and causes painful boils that need to be surgically drained and treated by a doctor. Just make sure, so you can treat the area appropriately and prevent recurrence.

    MRSA was my first thought too. Can you see another doctor? If it's spreading, I don't think it's from your thighs rubbing together.
  • alsoagood1
    alsoagood1 Posts: 79 Member
    Its genetic in my family. Mom, Grandmother, sister get them bad. The worse your weight is, the worse they'll be. I'd imagine eating better quality foods, lower on sodium and drinking lots of water will help minimize them, but the best way (and this isnt a short run kind of deal) is losing the weight to minimize the surface area that contacts other surface areas.

    My husband has them also - when he went in to have triple bypass 8 years ago they couldn't take the vein they needed from his right leg because he had boils on that leg so they took a vein from the left leg. He didn't have them for awhile but is back to getting them. Our Internist just put him on antibiotics to see if it helps.

    His Uncles & Aunts on his mothers side plus his mother, brother and sister all have them. When his daughter turned 20 she started getting them more than before.

    I hope you find what helps you.
  • glovepuppet
    glovepuppet Posts: 1,710 Member
    your doc shouldn't just brush this off as friction and ''it'll get better as you lose''.
    if your doc doesn't listen, change your doc.
  • Isakizza
    Isakizza Posts: 754 Member
    I haven't had this issue. But if its from friction, try wearing compression shorts. It prevents friction. I actually have made the switch from regular boxers to compression shorts everyday, even when not exercising because they are always comfortable.

    ^^^If you're doctor says it's from friction, buy some compression workout clothes. They have long been used for benefits in different medical issues (diabetes/circulation) and are now very popular in fitness wear. I love working out in compression capris.
    Good luck!

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  • lithezebra
    lithezebra Posts: 3,670 Member
    your doc shouldn't just brush this off as friction and ''it'll get better as you lose''.
    if your doc doesn't listen, change your doc.

    Your doctor is privy to the rest of your health information, like fasting glucose test results, your history with respect to this skin problem, before you started exercising, information that people on the internet don't have.