ViSalus Body by Vi



  • sdx76
    sdx76 Posts: 4
    (I'm taking it, not selling it)

    Its the first thing that has worked for me in over 8 years. Also, they're totally customizable.
    For breakfast I usually have a almond milk/banana/spinach smoothie (at about 180 calories), and for dinner it goes back and forth, sometimes mint pistachio, pb & jelly (delicious), or fresh strawberries and pineapples.

    If you just take the shake, and do nothing to educate yourself about food, reducing your calorie counts, finding new ways to eat healthy, then you're using it wrong. Its not a CRUTCH, its a tool.
    I LOVELOVELOVE food. I can put off urges, eat light snacks, and have one really good meal a day. I don't go hog wild crazy, but it allows me some freedom while I am learning better eating habits. Every previous year, Ive gained weight. Halfway through my 90, I'm at my lowest weight in 4 years (and about to be 5). As the changes I make become habits, I will bottleneck down more, but honestly, the way I was, there was no way I could just go to eating 3 meals a day, keep it under recommended calorie counts, and not feel like I was totally depriving myself.

    PS. Putting spinach in your smoothies, you can't taste it, but it really loads them up nutrient wise.
  • Justkeepswimmin
    Justkeepswimmin Posts: 777 Member
    I don't DO this business model. Or participate in companies that do it. I have tasted it and it was OKAY but I'd rather have food. I think I feel more satisfied with food. IF I was a very very busy person I may consider something like it (without their sales model) for lunches I didn't have time for....not the breakfast snacks lunch and snack that people talk about.
  • shaunap3
    shaunap3 Posts: 206 Member
    I haven't tried it, but I do question it. If I wanted to replace a meal with liquid nutrients I would just create my own shake or smoothie. You could throw in whatever you wanted and get just as many calories and nutrients, and you know it's fresh, raw, REAL food. But that's just my take on it. At the very least I hope it kickstarts something and you can use it as a starting point. Good luck!
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    but honestly, the way I was, there was no way I could just go to eating 3 meals a day, keep it under recommended calorie counts, and not feel like I was totally depriving myself.

    Totally a mind game. If it works for you great but if you can cut down to 180 calorie shake and not feel deprived then you could do it with real food. 2 eggs are only 140 calories and make a far more filling breakfast than one of those shakes. The "nutrients" in the shakes are so miniscule it's laughable unless you add extras like your spinach.
  • dbanks80
    dbanks80 Posts: 3,685 Member
    Had the shake today for lunch and it is not that good! It is oooooookkkkkk and when i had the FF milk and blueberries it came up to the same calories as my morning smoothie. And my smoothies taste 100% better.

    Glad i only got one months worth.
  • RonneyMichelle
    RonneyMichelle Posts: 27 Member
    It think it taste very good. I have been on it for 26 days and have two shakes a day. I'm wondering if those that don't like the taste are making them correctly? I have tried several different recipes and haven't tasted one I didn't love. My hubby has the peanut butter cup one daily for lunch and loves it. We recently started doing the candy bar ones like Almond Joy (awesome awesome and I don't even like coconut!). I don't sell the stuff, but I think it's great. I have no problem having two shakes a day and 1 low cal meal. It makes it so much easier than planning low cal three times a day. I don't get hungry any more than I did when I was just doing a regular low cal diet plan.
    I always feel stuff after drinking one of the shakes.
  • RonneyMichelle
    RonneyMichelle Posts: 27 Member
    I do, I want to drink cake mix, LOL
  • RonneyMichelle
    RonneyMichelle Posts: 27 Member
    Well that's their own fault, not Body by Vi. It's not a magic thing. Whatever you do, whether it be Body by Vi, counting cals, low carb, whatever, it has to be for life. Even with Weight Watchers you can't just hop on it for a while and stop. Every single person I've ever met that has lost on WW and hopped off the WW wagon has gained it back. Every person has to find what works for them and do it for life. Otherwise you'll gain it back. Last year I did low cals and I lost 40 pounds in 5 months. I stopped and gained back 20 of that in 4 months. You can't stop. It's gotta be a lifestyle change.

    Now I'm counting cals and doing Body by Vi. I really truly enjoy it. I look forward to having my shakes each day. I know how to count cals and control my protions and do that for my real food meal each day. I honestly dread having that one real food meal each day. It's the one thing I know I can go over on if I don't have enough willpower. But with the shakes, it's really hard to go over, if you use the right ingredients :)

    Every single person has to find their thing :) We are all dfiferent!
  • dbanks80
    dbanks80 Posts: 3,685 Member
    Ok i have to say i tried one of the recipes Strawberry Cheesecake and it was very good and satisfying! LOL!
  • aemoomoo
    aemoomoo Posts: 70 Member
    MLM scam. Plus, it doesn't teach you how to eat. Unless you plan on drinking shakes for the rest of your life, pass.

    Also, if you want a shake as a meal or a snack, protein powder and fruit to blend with it is much less expensive.

    Its no scam!!! It is protein powder! Its wonderful!

    Are you a rep?? Sure sounds like it.
  • kewkdb
    kewkdb Posts: 207 Member
    For those of you that are having hunger issues; are you using ice and snacking between shakes? I use enough ice that it gives me just about 32Oz of shake and I usually put a banana (mostly to change the texture of the drink and then things like berries or cherries.

    For snacks I just eat celery and radishes that I mix together with garlic powder and chopped red pepper for a small kick.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,908 Member
    Has anyone tried this? Does it work? Does it satisfy your hunger as a meal replacement?

    I ordered a one month supply through my neighbor. He and his girlfriend swear by it.

    Just wanted any feedback on it.
    Of course they do. They sell it.:laugh:

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,908 Member
    I honestly dread having that one real food meal each day. It's the one thing I know I can go over on if I don't have enough willpower.
    Sad statement to me. Realize that your kids will observe this and may take up you habits.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    Calorie deficits create weight loss.

    Everyone needs to find a way to consistently maintain a reasonable calorie deficit for however long it will take to reach there goals. There are a million different "tricks" and preferences to maintaining a calorie deficit. If expensive shakes are the way you want to go, and you can eat at a deficit using them, go for it. But most people prefer cheaper, "real" food.
  • canadianvampyregurl
    canadianvampyregurl Posts: 231 Member
    i have one for breakfast now and then...i like how it think it tastes yummy...yesterday i made my own version of an iced cappucino..YUM...i make ALOT of different varieties and i can usually keep them under 250 calories per shake..i drink water and tea in the morning and im usually good to go til around 1130..i drink my shake between 730-830 when i have one.

    For me, it's just easy to throw together in the morning on the way to work. It's not something I will drink every day for the rest of my life...i like food way too much !!! and when i dont drink one, i dont miss's all a personal thing :)
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    For those of you that are having hunger issues; are you using ice and snacking between shakes? I use enough ice that it gives me just about 32Oz of shake and I usually put a banana (mostly to change the texture of the drink and then things like berries or cherries.

    Yes, add lots of ice because everyone knows making a drink larger by adding lots of water will give you all the nutrition that you need! SMH!
  • kewkdb
    kewkdb Posts: 207 Member
    For those of you that are having hunger issues; are you using ice and snacking between shakes? I use enough ice that it gives me just about 32Oz of shake and I usually put a banana (mostly to change the texture of the drink and then things like berries or cherries.

    Yes, add lots of ice because everyone knows making a drink larger by adding lots of water will give you all the nutrition that you need! SMH!

    Notice the part about hunger issues and the lack of adding ice for its nutritional value. The ice is only there to be a calorie free dense additive.
  • wlaura88
    wlaura88 Posts: 69 Member
    (I'm taking it, not selling it)

    Its the first thing that has worked for me in over 8 years. Also, they're totally customizable.
    For breakfast I usually have a almond milk/banana/spinach smoothie (at about 180 calories), and for dinner it goes back and forth, sometimes mint pistachio, pb & jelly (delicious), or fresh strawberries and pineapples.

    If you just take the shake, and do nothing to educate yourself about food, reducing your calorie counts, finding new ways to eat healthy, then you're using it wrong. Its not a CRUTCH, its a tool.
    I LOVELOVELOVE food. I can put off urges, eat light snacks, and have one really good meal a day. I don't go hog wild crazy, but it allows me some freedom while I am learning better eating habits. Every previous year, Ive gained weight. Halfway through my 90, I'm at my lowest weight in 4 years (and about to be 5). As the changes I make become habits, I will bottleneck down more, but honestly, the way I was, there was no way I could just go to eating 3 meals a day, keep it under recommended calorie counts, and not feel like I was totally depriving myself.

    PS. Putting spinach in your smoothies, you can't taste it, but it really loads them up nutrient wise.

    ^ This. I am currently on the Body by Vi challenge and it's working wonderfully. I realize it is not a miracle drink. I use it as a way to get protein and vitamins. I eat healthy dinners and snacks while on it. My job makes me very busy and it makes it a little easier to get good nutrition, while also not taking a lot of time. I do not sell this product and do not care if you don't use it or do use it.

    If you think you can lose weight with BBV and go back to your old ways of eating poorly and not exercising, you are sadly mistaken, but you cannot do that with any lifestyle change. I personally found that the shakes work for me. I am 10 lbs from my goal weight. After I lose that, I plan on weaning myself off of them and maintaining a healthy diet and exercise.
  • Chelz2013
    Chelz2013 Posts: 176 Member
    I agree with the people that have said that it can be used as a tool to aid you on your journey. It will work for some and not for others, just like WW, JC, Slimfast, Special K, or any other "diet". Ultimately, we all have to have a lifestyle change to ensure we eat properly and our weight loss results are forever. YOU have to learn about the product, its nutrients, and see if the program works for YOU. If not, then stop it and move on. It can be a jump start to your weight loss or it can be a fail. Just like the rest of us, you have to make good decisions for yourself on what you eat and how much you exercise. There's a ton of recipes on Pinterest. Do they have a money back guarantee? Good luck!
  • wlaura88
    wlaura88 Posts: 69 Member
    I agree with the people that have said that it can be used as a tool to aid you on your journey. It will work for some and not for others, just like WW, JC, Slimfast, Special K, or any other "diet". Ultimately, we all have to have a lifestyle change to ensure we eat properly and our weight loss results are forever. YOU have to learn about the product, its nutrients, and see if the program works for YOU. If not, then stop it and move on. It can be a jump start to your weight loss or it can be a fail. Just like the rest of us, you have to make good decisions for yourself on what you eat and how much you exercise. There's a ton of recipes on Pinterest. Do they have a money back guarantee? Good luck!

    They have do have a money back guarantee.