
Hi tomorrow I am starting Visalus, and my 90 day challenge. I just wondered if anyone has been on it and if anyone had any success with it????? I have tried all kinds of diets, and I wanted to try this to see if it worked better then the other diets i have tried


  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    Diets don't work. You have to make small changes gradually to the way you eat and move a little more. That is all. Nothing else.
  • I am on it and just lost my first 10 pounds. I was told to have a shake, 100 calorie snack, shake, 100 calorie snack, dinner, 100 calorie snack. Exercise!! I started losing much faster once I threw in the exercise. I found it much easier to go to the store and I bought a bunch of 100 calorie snack items...makes it so much easier to keep track of. If you are interested you can add me as a friend
  • sk_pirate
    sk_pirate Posts: 282 Member
    Waste of money, IMO. But at least you're wasting your own and not mine!
  • I did it for the 3 months and lost 30lbs but to be totally honest its something you're going to have to stay on and it gets expensive. As soon as I stopped taking it the pounds gradually started creeping back on. But another thing I found is, I can't stand shakes anymore, of ANY kind, lol. I tried a nutrisystem protein shake this morning and almost gagged. It did help me while I was on it, but $100 a month for a liquid diet was way too much. Thats the problem with these "diets" once you stop them you're back where you were, so I've decided a lifestyle change is the only way for me.
  • Time2Thrive
    Time2Thrive Posts: 161 Member
    I lost 20 pounds my first 90 days. Life got crazy and just recommitted yesterday. It does work but I would agree with Robin you have to learn healthy eating habits and change your habits otherwise if you ever stop then you will gain it back.

    Best of luck to you, feel free to add me with you would like some support during your 90 days.
  • JudibugDesigns
    JudibugDesigns Posts: 38 Member
    My husband started on ViShakes but switched to buying Body Fortress Whey Isolate at Walmart after he finished the first bag of the vi stufff...
    Much, much cheaper and he likes the taste better.
    He's gone from 374 lbs to 318 in 2.5 months....walking for exercise and weighing/measuring and logging everything we eat...
    I know that shakes aren't a magic weight loss tool, but they can help to get someone on track to a healthy lifestyle. Going from eating nothing in the mornings and huge meals/snacks at night to having a high protein shake that gives you energy and keeps you going in the mornings is a huge help!
    I can't have the shakes because of an intense diary allergy. I don't like to add soy to my diet because I am on estrogen(complete hysterectomy at age 28) and the hemp protein powder I bought tasted
    I started out my mornings with honey nut cheerios...down 31 lbs :)
  • sdx76
    sdx76 Posts: 4
    They're working great for me. YMMV - your mileage may vary.
    Ive tried for years to lose weight, and only kept gradually increasing.
    Years of trying to do Atkins has totally wrecked me too.

    Here's the problem, I love food. And I always try something that is 110% to the wall, and I crash and burn after a few weeks and can't get back on the wagon.

    Right now, its helping me keep my calories low, and still enjoy a good meal each day. I don't go too crazy, but I find that putting off cravings during the day to eat a really good meal has been far more sustainable for me than anything else. As it stands, I'm always looking for ways to cook things even healthier, new ways to make vegetables, new healthier snacks, etc. It doesn't make me feel like I'm depriving myself, and after the improvements I've been working on become habits, I can bottleneck down more and more.

    It may not be for everyone. But I went over 400, tried every diet known to man, failed at almost all of them, and I am seeing progress and an ability to sustain what I'm doing, for the first time in 8 years. And I'm at my lowest weight in 4 (and will soon be 5).