

  • good luck! this is a great site!
    in Hello! Comment by thewahs January 2011
  • read "how to master your metabolism" by jillian michaels. it will show you what you are eating and what it is doing to your metabolism and what you should eat to fix it...and exercise!
  • the best advice is that when you go food shopping ...stick to the perimeter of the store. buy whole grain costs the same! and buy dark chocolate. it will satisfy your sweet tooth faster than milk chocolate. packing your lunch will help you stay away from the fast food...and takes your body 21 days…
  • have you tried is powder peanut butter available through bell is delicious in smoothies and shakes for a fraction of the fat and calories!
  • i am not a big fan of meal replacement shakes...i like to EAT! but if i am really rushed i will have a slim fast...or i will make a smoothie and add powdered protein or powdered peanut butter in it