How to clean up my diet on a budget?

gracienkaidens_momma Posts: 379 Member
edited September 23 in Food and Nutrition
I know I have to clean up my diet. My diet consists of fast food and processed food most days. I am just so busy, always on the go, and of course I'm on a budget. My diet is also high in carbs and sugars. I just love pasta and chocolate. How in the world do I clean up my diet? Could anyone suggest a grocery list of items I could find at Walmart that are healthy and low cost? I really do love vegetables and fruits and salad and stir fry. I also want to start cooking meals in my slow cooker. Please share any healthy and low cost recipes that you have. I'm going grocery shopping tomorrow.

Thank you!


  • agibsonky
    agibsonky Posts: 124 Member
    I you have an Aldi, their price is the best around on produce and is usually really good quality. There isn't much faster or good on the go than fruit...the ultimate pre-packaged to go snack.
  • pcmoore
    pcmoore Posts: 53 Member
    I am interested in ideas as well! Good luck
  • noraht
    noraht Posts: 21
    Sear whatever meat you want to cook in the slow cooker and throw it in with veggies and add chicken stock, lowfat of course , or water to half cover , turn on low and let it work it's magic all day while you are gone, when you get home it is good to go and very tasty! Season with your fave seasonings of course! LOL! Google slow cooker recipes, there are tons out there!!
  • Diva_Of_Geneva
    Diva_Of_Geneva Posts: 9 Member
    I buy all of my groceries at Wal-Mart. I have recently switched my regular stuff to whole wheat, low fat, sugar free, etc. A box of whole wheat pasta is $1.00 and a jar of Great Value sauce is $1.50ish; a bag of salad is only a couple of dollars; and that makes a meal for my family. Tuna packed in water is cheap and makes great sandwiches with fat free Miracle Whip and whole wheat bread. Chicken breasts in light Italian dressing cooked on low in the crock pot for 8 hours makes a great cheap easy dinner; serve with a salad.
  • heyitsmekatie
    heyitsmekatie Posts: 544 Member
    Wal-Mart typically sells Lean Cuisine and Healthy Choice frozen meals for around $2 -- I find this to be less than most fast food meals and most of them are pretty tasty! I eat one almost everyday for lunch.
  • shardown
    shardown Posts: 258 Member
    Is there a fruit/veg/meat market nearby you live? I used to buy fruits/veg/meat from Safeway and Coles until I discovered a market 10 mins away from me and it cut my grocery by about 150 a month. Of course I still need to get things like milk, flour and bread from Safeway but it's SO much cheaper to get the other things from the market. It also encourages you to cook more at home!
  • MobiusMan
    MobiusMan Posts: 385 Member
    Carrots, Pasta and Lentil Soup. I use Progresso lentil soup and chop carrots (about a cup to a can of soup) 4 ounces dry whole wheat pasta. Then I sprinkle a little Asiago or Parmesan Cheese on top.
    soup $1.25-1.50
    Carrots about 25 cents each a bunch
    Parm about a nickle for what I use
    Pasta about a buck for a pkg. so 40 cents
    feeds 4 for 2.20 if you want a nice twist get a small can of diced tomatoes, add two packs of splenda or stevia or sugar heat until thicken a bit spread on top. makes the meal 3.00 for 4 folks.
  • haleighallen
    haleighallen Posts: 209 Member
    I need some ideas too, haha
  • the best advice is that when you go food shopping ...stick to the perimeter of the store. buy whole grain costs the same! and buy dark chocolate. it will satisfy your sweet tooth faster than milk chocolate. packing your lunch will help you stay away from the fast food...and takes your body 21 days for something to become a habit or to withdraw from sugar or caffeine. once you start eating whole foods instead of processed you will not want to go back!
  • TheMaidOfAstolat
    TheMaidOfAstolat Posts: 3,222 Member
    Beans and other legumes are wonderful. Buy them dry and just soak them...they are cheap and filling, full of nutrients, and protein.
    Frozen veggies as long as there is no sauce are wonderful and easy to steam. If you can make your own breads, do's much cheaper and you'll know exactly what goes into them. I try to make from scratch as often as possible. I am also on a budget and it can be difficult at times. It's all a matter of scanning ads and coupons and budgeting.
  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    I love Aldi too. Their produce is really cheap. I can eat much healthier for a lower cost when I go there.
  • efcdcdb
    efcdcdb Posts: 392 Member
    I like Walmart's yogurt selection and prices..and yogurt is always good to have on hand and even makes a pretty take-along snack. I have been eating a lot of celery lately - 99 cents at Aldi's. I also buy their 3-pack of red, orange and yellow peppers - I can't remember how much they are, but I really like them cut up as a "side" with sandwiches, instead of the dreaded chips.

    Walmart's flat breads or english muffins (various brands) are great to have on hand, and I use 'em for breakfast, lunch, dinner or snacks, with different toppings (turkey, pepper jack cheese, light cream cheese and sugar free preserves, light velveeta or american cheese or mozzarella with pizza sauce and some italian seasoning, etc, etc)

    Cereal is good, and you can get store brands cheap, if you like 'em. Some are pretty good.
  • Taste of home has a healthy web site. They have some good meals. Yogurt, Cottage cheese, String Cheese, Pb on a grain toast or celery, Almonds. Chicken grilled, baked you can put in in lime juice, lime with Cajun seasoning. Stubs marinade is good. Go though and look at peoples food journals that will also help you find snacks and just ideas of what to eat.
    Get a whole Chicken and rub it it lemon pepper and bake it in the oven.
    Stay away from box and canned anything.

    Pork chops are also good for you.

    Really its just all about your portions
  • baypathgradLyns
    baypathgradLyns Posts: 639 Member
  • Off the top of my head...

    fresh fruit and vegetables-- as many as possible
    brown rice
    beans, dry or canned
    potatoes, fresh or canned
    lean ground beef
    canned tuna and/or salmon
    frozen cooked shrimp if it's not too expensive
    marinara sauce
    string cheese
    grated cheese (for burritos, eggs, veggies)
    whole grain bread
    oatmeal or other whole grain cereal
    non-stick spray

    and for treats...
    fudgsicles, Hershey's kisses
  • Buy eggs in bulk (I get mine at Costco - 5 dozen at a time!) and hard-boil a whole bunch (I use my veggie steamer and they come out perfectly every time!). Then peel them and put them into ziploc bags, 4 or 5 in each. I have at least 4 per day - 3 whites and 1 whole egg. Great source of protein and good energy. I pair this with some mini-cucumbers or cut up veggies. This is generally what I have for my morning snack, and it keeps me going until lunch. I know, not a lunch recipe, but something to take with you to eat during the day :)
  • kittytrix
    kittytrix Posts: 557 Member
    This is what I like to make in a pinch:

    1/2 cup Shredded Chicken breast
    1 1/2 tbsp of lite mayo
    1/2 - 1 tbsp mustard
    1-2 tbsp dried cranberries
    1-2 tbsp walnuts
    Garlic Salt to taste

    Toss everything in a bowl and put it over greens for a tasty and low-cal chicken salad or on whole-grain bread for a yummy sammich!

    You can make it in advanced and take it for lunch.

    I try to have fresh fruit as a snack. Whatever is in season. Apples, oranges, mandarine oranges, whatever! You can also cut up some veggies like carrot sticks or celery, too.

    Chili is another favorite in this chilly weather

    1 lbs. Ground lean turkey or tofu
    1 can stewed tomatoes
    1 cup or can of kidney beans or pinto beans
    1 cup Chopped Onion
    1 cup Bell Peppers
    Chili seasonings
    1 tbsp Olive Oil

    In a large pot sautee the onions adding the meat or tofu.
    Add the green peppers. Cook for about 10 minutes or until the meat is cooked.
    Add the tomatoes, beans and seasoning. If need be, add an extra can of tomato sauce.
    The ingedients can be adjusted. You can also add a couple of dashes of Louisiana Hot Sauce or, my favorite, Tapatio. YUM!!!

    Top with scallions and low-fat cheese or sour cream!


    I hope this helps.
  • 1983Miller
    1983Miller Posts: 89 Member
    My Turkey Tacos ( 2 tacos 596 calories ) you could skip the cheese and save 200 calories.
    Jennie-O - Ground Turkey 90/10, 4 oz. (112g) 160 Cals
    Taco Bell - Taco Seasoning Mix - Home Originals, 1 serving (6 g) 20 cals
    Generic - Romaine Lettuce - 1 Cup Shredded, 1 cup shredded 8 cals
    La Banderita - Fat Free Soft Taco, 2 Tortilla 178 cals
    Chi-Chi's - Salsa - Medium Original Recipe, 6 Tbsp (30g) 30 cals
    Sargento Artisan Blends - Authentic Mexican Cheese, 1/2 cup (28g) 200 cals

    Dessert Schwans Lite Ice Cream Sandwich 100 calories
  • aeragusa
    aeragusa Posts: 40 Member
    I think you would be surprised how much a "healthy" grocery list will cost you. It's all the processed stuff that costs an arm and a leg. If you can, buy your produce at a local farmer's market or coop. That will certainly help. Also, take the time on the weekend (if only an hour) to get a head start on your weekday meals. Marinate some meats, chop some veggies, put together a large salad that you just pop in the fridge for a week. I like to make homemade hummus, too, and it generally keeps fairly well in the fridge - just in case I feel like a snack it's easier than driving out to grab some fast food. If you're a convenience eater, definitely try to stock up with healthy snacks so you won't be tempted.

    Some quick meals: Tortilla pizzas (just add veggies, a protein, low fat cheese, and bake at about 400 for 10 minutes or so - this works really well with grilled chicken and hot sauce), quinoa salad (cooked quinoa and whatever veggies you have kicking around to throw in there, then add an acid like balsamic/red wine vinegar or lemon), and stir fries, which I believe you've already mentioned. If you have everything prepped and ready to go, it only take a few minutes to throw it all together.

    Hope this helps!
  • exp_lauren
    exp_lauren Posts: 29 Member
    Here's one idea: buy a bag of coleslaw mix. It's cheap, fresh, and lasts longer than salad in the fridge. Use as a salad with calorie-wise coleslaw dressing, a few roasted almonds and maybe a few raisins or dried cranberries. Even cut up an apple in there. Use it as an ingredient in stove-top items ... add a handful to a stir fry or throw it into homemade soups or even an omelet.

    Speaking of homemade soups (and stews), these are awesome and very budget friendly. Do a big batch on the weekend or in a crock-pot work before work one morning and enjoy leftovers that take only a couple of minutes to reheat. There are lots of great recipes online that are pretty healthy. Try a recipe with dried beans (or even canned ones) ... good for protein and fiber, satisfying, and very economical.

    Good luck!
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