Meal Replacement protein

JulieSmiles1 Posts: 43 Member
edited September 23 in Food and Nutrition
Hi! I'm looking for a proten shake to use as a meal replacement. I have tried Body Fortress, but do not love the flavor. Which shakes do you use and what flavor?



  • onondagamom
    onondagamom Posts: 2 Member
    I am new to this but I have found that Chia Seeds mixed with water (forms a gel) and is a great protein replacement. Full of Vit B! You can research it and find great recipes. You should also be able to find this in the bulk food section of your nature store or any good grocery store with a good bulk section. Good luck!
  • i am not a big fan of meal replacement shakes...i like to EAT! but if i am really rushed i will have a slim fast...or i will make a smoothie and add powdered protein or powdered peanut butter in it
  • sandmart2009
    sandmart2009 Posts: 153 Member
    I use EAS Soy in chocolate flavor. It's really curbing my hunger and doesn't bother my lactose intolerance.
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