sunshinesukie Member


  • I've had a bit of a messy/busy week so my routine has gone haywire. I've tried to stick to my diet though but only time will tell. On the upside .. * I've had at least four compliments this week from colleagues saying how much slimmer I am looking, makes my heart swell! * My 'goal' jeans are now too big, so I missed the…
  • Hi all, I've been on here for a couple of years now with periods of success and others where I have let myself drift off target. Recently I have been happier to apply myself and changed my goals to become more achievable and this seems to be working (so far!). I had over 200lb to lose so initially I set myself a target of…
  • I'm in the UK and what has puzzled me now, is why the US use pounds but not stones.....what do the pounds add up to?
  • " I just have to be very careful not to get frustrated and depend too much on the scale." I hear you!! I am so familiar with that little trap. Well done!
  • hi there, I have sent you a friend request, I would be happy to be your MFP Pal! Just a thought, it might be that you don't have your photo on your profile. I know I'm normally reticent to add 'faceless' friends x
  • Hi, I'm SunshineSukie and, although I have already lost over 50lb I do have at least another 100lb to go until I'm considered 'not obese' - let alone slim! lol Never been part of a group on here so, why not - what's the worse that could happen huh? :-)
  • you are looking great! I can't wait to introduce more exercise - I'd love to be able to jog without knocking myself out LOL!
  • I love laughing cow and use them in all kinds of things, didn't know theycame in other flavours though! You've opened up a whole new world to me now LOL!!:bigsmile:
  • Just want to add my 'Hello and welcome' to all the others. Add me as a friend by all means. I don't have kids but anyone on this site has at least one thing in common, they want to lose weight. I have found the other members really helpful, it's only been three weeks so far but already 20lb down and more than that I LOVE…
  • there are three of us at work all on MFP and we measure one another, or at least supervise one another and say 'up a bit' 'down a bit and the like, to try to keep the continuity. I find top of the leg is the most difficult as its quite a long area of similar size and shape and yet, get the tape an inch out of whack and it…
  • I love peacock feathers, the colours are so vibrant and beautiful. Wherever you choose to have your tattoo - we'd love to see the finished masterpiece. :happy:
  • Another Brit here .... from Southport in Merseyside - feel free to add me, you can never have to many friends or too much support I reckon! x
  • You could buy a zig zag toothed hairband like this one; I have a heavy fringe (think they are bangs in the US?) and when I can't be bothered straightening it or simply for speed, I pop one of those hairbands in and sweep my hair back. It makes a lovely effect…
  • don't beat yourself up. At least you are being honest with yourself - just get right back on that horse and don't worry x
  • Agree with lots of those already mentioned but my all time favourite that is guaranteed to make me laugh so much I can hardly breathe ..... Mrs Doubtfire An oldy but a goody! ...hehe, see .. I'm tittering away to myself here .... haha ... the bit when 'she' sets fire to her chest LOL eeeee, I could laugh and laugh
  • Yes .. Yes .. Yes .. to all of the above. They don't call it the 'curse' for nothing do they? Me and my friends call it 'star week', as one of the earlier members called it, it just makes it easier to explain why you don't want that weeks weight to count.
  • We have two dogs (or kids!) and they are actually from the same litter. They are 10 years old and we love them to bits. Jack Daniels is the black scruffy looking one and he is a real sweetie. He just loves to give and get cuddles. He has to have a Mummy Cuddle at least once a day or he fires up one of his 'I'm so sad cos…
  • Hi there, I am new as well and I know that I, and some of the people I have spoken to are more than happy to add people, but not really keen when there is no profile pic. It just makes a connection. :-)
  • I joined today and this is my first post ... hopefully the first of many as I am truly inspired by your photo's. You must be floating on air at the change in your life - I can just see that from your gigantic smile! Good luck for the rest of your journey x