

  • You're attracted to the situation, because of the history. Nothing has happened for this long. There must be a reason for that. You do not know what goes on in his home, or how things are really. Until he shows up unmarried - there is nothing there for you. History or no history. If he was single - there is still no…
  • Most nutritionists have a formula for what is you optimal protein intake in grams. I believe the formula is BODY WEIGHT X .37 So mine would be about 90g a day. (245 x .37) However, I have seen diets recommending up to 1g per lb of body weight. (1:1) Now it comes down to philosophy. Food guide, USDA says 90g a day (for me),…
  • Definite yes. 2 glasses, but no more. Red wine specifically. There are known advantages to alcohol in general, but red wine also has resveratrol - good for longevity of life. Resveratrol can be purchased as a supplement. Often people will tell you that the supplements are not as good as getting it from the source. Google /…
  • When I was starting on insulin, I was told to count net carbs. If I was eating fewer than 15g - net - I could skip the insulin. Food Guides tend to advocate over 100g of carbs a day - the low carb diets advocate under 30g a day. You really need to try out different levels of carbs, and adjust for what works in your life.…
  • Whats a Timmy HoHo ? Timmy's was sold to an American company, but I thought it was re-purchased by a Canadian again... i could be wrong. No harm in the franchise growing south. I'd love to be able to go to the USA shopping, and grab a Tim's. Or at least have a cheaper option that S'bucks.
  • Look at the Timbits! I think they are like 90cals each...
  • ... so it's NOT the dryer? Frig.
  • 2. I eat healthy and don't really eat that much anyway. Reality: just because I only take half of a donut doesn't make it a healthy choice; and don't forget grazing and foraging (you know, snacking off the family's plates as I clear the table). This is a good one - I call it "Kitchen Eating" definitely one of my main…
  • Is there anything in your morning routine you can get out of the way before you go to sleep? Then you might simply sleep a little longer before the Zumba. Other option is instead of getting right into the Zumba - put around the house for 20 min, make your lunch, whatever's on your list first, and then get into the workout.…
  • It's one of those things. Water is better, always is. On a sliding scale, diet is better than sugar sodas... and water is better than diet soda. Have you ever kinda overdosed on diet pop? I used to drink 8 - 12 Coke Zero in a day (a bad day, but still...) - if i did that 2 days in a row, my stomach felt really weird, and…
  • Keep on truckin' !
  • Been on a low carb for about a week now. When you drop your carbs, the body depletes the stores in your system, and then moves to proteins (ketones). Anyhow, the first few days can be tough - headaches and such. I had them last week too. Some people feel nothing. I think personally it depends on the amount of carbs you…