anyone else doing a low carb diet?

I've just started a low carb diet, only on day 2, and to be honest i felt terrible this morning, but it seems to be going well, and I'm rarely hungry unlike when I was on a low fat diet. Fingers crossed I can keep it up :)


  • luv2ash
    luv2ash Posts: 1,903 Member
    Good Luck! I am on a low-carb diet as well. I am doing the Medifast diet. First few days were really rough, but then day 4, was like a miracle-I woke up with energy, no cravings, was not hungry. Good luck!
  • fadingsecret
    Wow, fingers crossed that comes soon, not really feeling this flu type of thing that makes u dizzy and tired!!!LOL
    Good Luck to you too hun
  • wibblewobblekaz
    wibblewobblekaz Posts: 25 Member
    Im also on a low carb diet, also day 2, felt great all day, but in the evenings im finding myself thinking of what I can snack on and not seen any weight loss yet, so feeling a bit blue, but know I have to be in it for the long haul x Good luck and be good to see how we both get on x

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  • k8tmama
    k8tmama Posts: 58
    I have been doing a lower carb diet for a couple of weeks, and the best part is not feeling hungry. I am not on a particular plan--how many carbs are you eating? I know "low carb" can mean anywhere from 20-150g. I haven't really felt terrible, but I may be getting more carbs than you (average about 60-70g). I heard from someone that taking a potassium supplement can help a lot at the beginning of a low-carb diet.

    I wish you the best with it! :)
  • wibblewobblekaz
    wibblewobblekaz Posts: 25 Member
    Im basically following an atkins, however going by the nutrients on this im consuming more than I should, not sure how as since banana and museli in morning, im not really consuming any, but the apps says it more, slightly confused but will keep on and see how I go
  • elfie9863
    elfie9863 Posts: 337
    Fading: I am on day 8 of the low carb. I almost didn't make it past day was SUCH A STRUGGLE! and I consider myself pretty tough. I just hung on tho. You can read my posts on the LLC Holiday thread... Then, all of a sudden I began to feel so much better, happier...just lighter. I am on my way to the gym every day now and am so happy to have some more energy. Also notice have been sleeping much better also.

    I totally sympathize with you, but hope that you hang on and see it thru. Just get thru one more day at a time. You will be glad you did. I found some amazing "induction" recipes and have been eating really well and not veered - or wanted to- off the path at all. So far lost 4 pounds, and am pretty happy with that.

    Do yourself a big favor and get thru it gets so much better!
  • fadingsecret
    Fading: I am on day 8 of the low carb. I almost didn't make it past day was SUCH A STRUGGLE! and I consider myself pretty tough. I just hung on tho. You can read my posts on the LLC Holiday thread... Then, all of a sudden I began to feel so much better, happier...just lighter. I am on my way to the gym every day now and am so happy to have some more energy. Also notice have been sleeping much better also.

    I totally sympathize with you, but hope that you hang on and see it thru. Just get thru one more day at a time. You will be glad you did. I found some amazing "induction" recipes and have been eating really well and not veered - or wanted to- off the path at all. So far lost 4 pounds, and am pretty happy with that.

    Do yourself a big favor and get thru it gets so much better!
    thank you elfie9863 this is just what i needed to hear. I weighed myself this morning as a boost(i know you shouldn't weigh yourself more than once a week) but I've already started losing, I did low calorie for a week and i put on weight(crazy huh) so I thought I'd give low carbs a try and before I started I was edging the 150lbs mark and this morning I was 145.8lbs, so if thats not motivation to continue I don't know what is!!!!
  • wibblewobblekaz
    wibblewobblekaz Posts: 25 Member
    Hi fading im on day 4 today, quite tired, bit of a rumbling tummy earlier, but have drank more water as I wasn't having much to be honest, anyway I also weighed myself this morning and again when I got home from work and i've dropped 3lbs, think i'll see what I am before bed tonight before updating my weight loss ticker, but im happy and im so looking forward to my evening meal lol x
  • lilac67
    lilac67 Posts: 311

    I'm trying to do the plan for the "fluffy" all over type. They suggest eating 1/2 the carbs and doubling the veggies; they also suggest fish 3xs a week. I've never been much of a fish eater, but I'm going to try to like tilapia! I've also heard that if you boil canned tuna for 2 mins, it will take the fishy taste off.
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    I am not doing a low carb diet, but I live a low carb lifestyle.

    There is a difference.
  • fadingsecret
    I am not doing a low carb diet, but I live a low carb lifestyle.

    There is a difference.

    My Boyfriend has a naturally low carb lifestyle too, but I always need a diet to teach me the ways and to lose that initial weight and then fingers crossed all goes to plan itll become my way of life :)
  • fadingsecret
    Hi fading im on day 4 today, quite tired, bit of a rumbling tummy earlier, but have drank more water as I wasn't having much to be honest, anyway I also weighed myself this morning and again when I got home from work and i've dropped 3lbs, think i'll see what I am before bed tonight before updating my weight loss ticker, but im happy and im so looking forward to my evening meal lol x
    try not to be so obsessed with the scale hun (I know how tempting it is tho to have a peek att how well you are doing!!)
    I'm finding that I'm not hungry at all but they do say protein and fat does fill you up :)
    Well done on the 3lbs BTW
    What you got for dinner...mines already in the slow cooker waiting for me when i get home:) chicken stew...yumyum.
  • johaleesi
    johaleesi Posts: 55 Member
    I am! I have been following a low carb diet for 9 days now. I feel great. The first couple of days were a little rough but now I don't even miss the sodas and the sweets. I've lost 13 lbs so far. Keep at it. It really works!
  • vcatmb44
    vcatmb44 Posts: 129 Member
    I have done low carb diets befor and if u restrict ur carbs and hardly eat any u will lose weight but as soon as u start eating them again it will come back gaurenteed. I would suggest doing low carb low fat but eat good csrbs not the bad ones, for a healthy balance. it will be easier to stick to in the long run (for me at least )
  • hotpickles
    hotpickles Posts: 639 Member
    Going to attempt this as well.
  • imaclatchie
    Been on a low carb for about a week now.
    When you drop your carbs, the body depletes the stores in your system, and then moves to proteins (ketones).

    Anyhow, the first few days can be tough - headaches and such. I had them last week too.
    Some people feel nothing. I think personally it depends on the amount of carbs you were used to before.
    It generally lasts only 3 days or so - and is well worth the energy increase and results later on.

  • johaleesi
    johaleesi Posts: 55 Member
    I am a believer in Atkins but I'm not doing the induction phase by the book. I'm cheating by having nuts and other foods not on the list of allowed foods during induction. I count my carbs and try to not go over 20g a day (as per induction rules). It's working great so far and I don't feel that I'm missing out on anything. Finding recipes for low carb foods also helps. I find myself in the kitchen cooking more than ever now. Making "Oopsie" Rolls, and Cauliflower Pizza. Who knew low carb could be this much fun?
  • GorillaNJ
    GorillaNJ Posts: 4,052 Member
    I have done low carb diets befor and if u restrict ur carbs and hardly eat any u will lose weight but as soon as u start eating them again it will come back gaurenteed. I would suggest doing low carb low fat but eat good csrbs not the bad ones, for a healthy balance. it will be easier to stick to in the long run (for me at least )

    I second that.... I had a lot of success with a carb free/low carb plan before. It flew out the window for me the first time I had pasta again. All the weight came racing back with an extra 20lbs to add. So far this calorie counting and focus on healthier foods has been working out for me.
  • amehrkens
    amehrkens Posts: 162 Member
    Great post, I am also thinking about trying low carb. All this info is helpful.
  • fadingsecret
    I am a believer in Atkins but I'm not doing the induction phase by the book. I'm cheating by having nuts and other foods not on the list of allowed foods during induction. I count my carbs and try to not go over 20g a day (as per induction rules). It's working great so far and I don't feel that I'm missing out on anything. Finding recipes for low carb foods also helps. I find myself in the kitchen cooking more than ever now. Making "Oopsie" Rolls, and Cauliflower Pizza. Who knew low carb could be this much fun?
    Thats kind of what i'm doing but I make sure I stick to under 30g a day, I'm doing Idiot's Proof Diet by Neris and India, their website is, but the forum on there is great, and the diet is flexible and easy to stick to but it basically follows atkins. I eventually want to be at about 60g- 80g carbs a day. And the recipes are so different its really fun making them and trying them :)