

  • I ended my plateau after realizing that I had kicked up exercise and I wasn't eating enough calories or carbs. I made sure to eat all of my calories and added healthy carbs after a workout. Everyone is different but that worked for me.
  • "Your Child's Weight, Helping Without Harming" by Ellyn Satter. Fabulous book for parents concerned about nutrition and weight for their children. Recommended by a nutrition expert specializing in eating disorders. This is definitely worth a read if you want to pass down great eating patterns and habits.
  • Whenever I get discouraged, because the mirror is not yet showing what the scale does, I grab weights of similar amounts to what I have lost and climb stairs with them. That's all it really takes for me to congratulate myself on not having all that weight to carry around daily. It feels so good to just set that weight down.
  • Ok. So it looks as if it has been a few weeks. How are you doing?
  • A theory is an idea that has some observational basis but has not been proven or disproven. I love the debate and some of the points have really made me think. Perhaps I had those results because I am nearing 50 and my hormone levels are changing. Perhaps, although my thyroid levels are considered normal with medication,…
  • I think that the other posters are correct. Be careful of the generic for synthroid though. If you are going to take synthroid take the branded. There can be a 20% therapeutic swing that the FDA considers equivalent to the branded. The therapeutic window for treatment is much lower than that though. Batch to batch I have…
  • I was and am under the care of a doctor and at all times my caloric intake and timing of meals was identical. Only the ratio of carbs to protein changed. I kept the fat the same. I weighed once every two weeks at the doctor's office. The first two weeks I lost eight pounds. The third week (Weighed myself at home) I lost…
  • Hi. I will be 50 in about 2 months and I would love to encourage each other. I am a mom of 10 and soon to be 12 years old girls. I live in Washington north of Seattle.
  • As I started to read this, I felt a little defensive. Some people actually do have sever thyroid problems. I was on a 1500 calorie diet and working out 5-7 days per week and I gained 60 lbs it 2 years. Granted, they were suppressing my thyroid for medical reasons. When that stopped, it took three years to get the TSH…
  • The biggest aha moment for me was when a weight loss expert told me that the 30 minutes does not have to be done all at one time. He recommended that I start the day with yoga like stretching and simple calisthenics, he said that during my lunch hour, to walk as if I am late for a bus or a plane for 10 minutes. Lastly, he…
  • I am a newbie too. It would be great to support each other.
  • I am new too. Today is the first day for me. I feel your pain. It is so hard to move the weight off. I have tried so many different things but finally I want to an endocrinologist and she gave me a diet to follow along with medicine to make my thyroid more effective. I hope that I can lose 2 pounds a week but it hasn't…
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