

  • Golden retriever. He's a Hurricane Katrina rescue and a total clown. Love him to pieces.
  • I think I speak for 99% of women when I say....ummmmm no. I think the guys keep sending them because they are obsessed with their "own" junk. For women, sorry, but it's a turn off.
  • Good for you!! Congratulations!!
  • I just did this yesterday and they reset it for me within a few hours! No worries...
  • Shakeology is my new gem! Amazing stuff.
  • Yes, get rid of the processed stuff and the white bread for sure!
  • Anti depressants = bad news for weight loss. I haven't looked at your diary yet, but perhaps you are eating the wrong types of foods necessary for you to lose as well. Some people need a high protein diet and others need high carb. Perhaps your body is storing those carbs on you...not sure.
  • Ramen noodles = bad bad bad! I love them too, but ever since I saw a video of a university study of how they "don't" break down in your gut, I probably won't be eating them again. And the salt content is something like 2100 mg out of your 2550 mg total. I think this is the link, although my work filter prohibits me from…
  • AGREED! This guy deserves an award! Take note all you other shallow people... THIS is how it's done!
  • I am not worthy!! If I look that good at 63 I will be out flaunting it! Good for you, keep it up and you'll be taking these shots for the next 30 years!
  • I can't say I have completely started to eat clean, but I am now of the mindset that the processed food makers out there are trying to kill us all. I've watched soo many documentaries and learned so much about what goes into them that I'm not even swayed by my usual haunts like McDonald's and KFC anymore. All these…
  • Fruit is okay, fruit juice is not. Try not to eat the high sugar fruits like bananas too often though. I read that the average healthy adult should consume no more than about 30 grams of sugar per day, and that number is closer to 20 grams for a diabetic. All sugar is NOT equal unfortunately. Fructose and glucose are dealt…
  • That's the key. Fill yourself up. Apples aren't going to cut it!! Start your night out with a very high protein meal and you shouldn't need to eat for 3-4 hours. Then, have a snack. Eat your "lunch" and make sure it includes more protein such as meats, cottage cheese, regular cheese, nuts, seeds, whatever. Just, whatever…
  • There is absolutely nothing that says you can't get pregnant. It comes down to getting the PCOS under control. Do your research. Get back on the metformin. Even though you didn't see a weight difference, it was doing its job. Now, everything sugary that you eat is bringing your blood sugar up, then your insulin levels,…
  • I have been heavy and have dieted my entire life. What I am JUST learning at age 41 is that no one wants to hear about your successes. It is a very personal journey and for the first time, I really don't need to hear the compliments to feel good about myself. I'm strong than I have ever been and it has come from realizing…
  • I have PCOS, anxiety and depression as well. I have been on my journey to health for about 5 months now. I started at 295 lbs and am now at 245. Don't let anyone tell you you can't lose weight. It all comes down to diet and doing the right things to take care of yourself. All I did was cut the sugar out of my life and add…
  • I have this same fear also now that I am starting to see a difference in my clothes, my attitude, and my abilities. When you said that being obese was an obvious sign of a personal weakness, that is the part I didn't agree with. It's not about being weak, it's about having pain or addiction that is not dealt with. You are…
  • I don't smoke and never have. I've always been an anxious person with a lot of stress in my life, so maybe I can chime in. I guess it depends on the severity of your situation. There are always medications to help ease the anxiety if it's ongoing, but I try to do things without it if possible. Try to remember to take care…
  • Me too...please add me if you like!
  • This was the remedy we found and it worked great....Unfortunately, the smell got on everything else before it was applied. Thank you for your voice of reason!!!
  • Yep, absolutely bigger than a skunk issue. It's just kind of the straw the broke the camel's back unfortunately. We were at the point of seeking counseling, but now...I dunno. I guess what I did could have been seen as over reactive, but I have a very sensitive stomach. I just wanted to deal with it in the fresh air,…
  • Very perceptive of you beekay! :flowerforyou:
  • I agree 100% that I should have helped bathe the dog. It was the fact that I couldn't handle the smell and it was a beautiful evening outside, so he would have been fine on the deck. My dog is a golden retriever and a lovely gent. I love him to pieces, but this was just over the top stupid!! My house still smells 3 days…
  • I suffered terribly with it for over 5 years. I thought I would never be able to walk normally again. I had a cortisone shot which only helped temporarily, had orthotics made which actually made the problem worse. I had TERRIBLE pain in my heels and couldn't even work out in the yard without almost collapsing in pain. I…
  • 47 lbs today, but didn't start MFP until the end of March 2013. Keep up the good work everybody!
  • Calgary here!
  • I had a tenant once who was mad at me that I kicked him out. While he was moving out and talking to his mother on the phone, I heard him say "Yeah, she's just sitting on the couch like Jabba The Hut". It hurts me to this day, but I realize that people like that are not worth the powder to blow them to hell. He was fat too,…
  • Impressive! I like the part about being an average of the 5 people you associate with. When I look at it that way....ohhhh my. I have some work to do.