PCOS Problems?

A while ago I went to the doctor, and found out I had PCOS. I've gained quite a bit of weight over the last 3 years because of this. I was on Metformin for a while, an also on birth control pills. After going for a few months though, and seeing the dietician there I hadn't really lost anything...it was the basic lose 10-15lbs, and then be at a standstill. It was so frustrating that I gave up, I quit taking the pills, and quit the all the appointments. But lately I've realized I've GOT to lose this weight, and let it stop making me so miserable. I'm ready to be happy now, and to get rid of this stupid problem. I don't have much support, and so I'm looking for any women on here who have been through the same thing, and know what it's like to struggle with this? Any advice or anything would be greatly appreciated! (I also know I'm going to have to go back to the doctor...and stick with it. I'm calling to schedule an appointment tomorrow.)


  • ctucker07
    ctucker07 Posts: 37 Member
    I have been going through the same thing for years. No matter what I did or ate I would lose 10-15lbs and that would be it. It's definitely frustrating. I got to the point where I was like, we'll I can eat cake or I can eat vegetables and I'll weigh the same either way so bring on the cake. Last year my husband and I sought help for fertility issues and found out I have pcos and an under active thyroid. I'm on thyroid medication now and it's made a huge difference. Ask your doctor to check your levels. I was always told that it was low, but not low enough to treat until I started seeing my fertility specialist. Good luck:)
  • i was diagnosed last august..it sure was difficult in surrendering my dream to be a mom...but God is always in control...i know that i will have a daughter and a son, i have dreamt them...im only 19, diagnosed at age 18.
  • Yeah, I was feeling exactly the same way. And thank you! I will definitely mention that. :) And good luck to you as well!
  • It definitely sucks...They thought that it started with me when I was 15, but even though I had symptoms of something I've always been terrified of going to the doctor so I never went. An I'll be 19 this coming March. I'm really scared that because I didn't have this taken care of sooner that maybe I'm going to regret the consequences...I've always loved kids, an in the future I adored the thought of being a mom someday. Hopefully though it isn't too late for me to get this fixed. But I guess only time will tell, right?
  • There is absolutely nothing that says you can't get pregnant. It comes down to getting the PCOS under control. Do your research. Get back on the metformin. Even though you didn't see a weight difference, it was doing its job. Now, everything sugary that you eat is bringing your blood sugar up, then your insulin levels, then telling your ovaries to produce more....TESTOSTERONE!!! Too much androgen hormones are the problem in the first place!!!

    Get the carbs out of your diet. Read about proper eating and lifestyles for people with PCOS. You can turn this around. You are still very young.
  • fitkate80
    fitkate80 Posts: 38 Member
    Hi ladies! I've been diagnosed with pcos for 15+ years. My biggest fear was not being able to have kids. There's hope... With clomid and progesterone we have a healthy child. I also had a (very surprising!) natural preg, which ended in miscarriage. I believe it was due to low progesterone and will be taking supplements next time.

    Weight loss is so difficult!! I'd love to hear people's experience with metformin or specific eating plans. I've been counting calories and working out like a madwoman and the scale hardly moves. Wth!
  • I was diagnosed with PCOS & hypothyroidism 5 years ago. I'd had all of these seemingly random issues going on and finally had a doctor put the pieces of the puzzle together and figure out what was going on. So kudos to you for seeking out your doctor's care so early.

    PCOS does not mean that you will never have children. Looking back, I started having symptoms at 22 but didn't realize it - I'm now 35 and have a 9 yr old daughter and we didn't go through fertility - she was a surprise. Mine is not a unique story, I have MANY friends with PCOS that got pregnant and have kids. So don't give up. PCOS is not the end to your story.

    The key to PCOS is weight loss and weight control. If you've seen a nutritionist they probably told you to limit carbs and/or do high protein. This is because of how our bodies recognize and process insulin, among other things. I'm a picky vegetarian so a high protein diet was very hard for me, personally, to do. However, increasing my protein intake at breakfast (protein shakes, for instance) and having protein bars helped me quite a bit. It helped me feel full and curbed some cravings. Trying to get 30 min of exercise at least 4x/week is also key - you have to try to retrain your body.

    Weight loss with PCOS, like fertility, is an uphill battle because your body is working against you - BUT IT IS NOT IMPOSSIBLE. I've lost, and kept off (for 2 yrs), 39 lbs, and am working on losing quite a bit more. Your loss will probably move slower than others, but don't let it discourage you and don't compare yourself to them. Know that you're doing the best thing for your body, PCOS has a lot of long-term potential consequences so making changes early is key.