lesleyk26 Member


  • wow you lokk amazing babes totally inspirational :) x
  • hey hunnie i dont know what has happened at the gym but i hope your ok !!! but remember everyone is there for the same reson to lose weight or to tone up everyone is the same babes and no one should be treated different loves you hunnie keep up the good work your doing fantastic :) x
  • i love my measuring tape too especially today as i have put 3lb on :( but i think its cos i aint been eating enough but this week i have lost 2 inches off my waist and 1 inch off my hips to me its still a result but would like to see it on the scales too lol x
  • i bought mine the other day but still waiting for it to arrive lol but wont be long im looking forward to doing it :) x
  • hey hun that happened to me and i worked out that i just wasnt eating enough x
  • wow well done to you.... :smile: HMMMmm now ive always been scared to eat my exercise cals as i eat 1200 cals a day but most the time i dont get near to 1200 but then i exercise three times a week sometims more with gym and zumba i can burn off like 900 cals in one day but would of only eaten like 800 of my MFP…
  • hes teasting you babes as my partner does it too he comes home with a pizza and cheesy chips and always asks if i want some but with us both saying no will prove you are strong enough to do that keep up the good work babes were all proud of you :smokin: Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • HHHmmmm now i have read this and my calorie intake is too only 1200 but half the time im not eating them all but then i can go to the gym and zumba and i work off like 1000 cals but i dont eat them and guess what ive done this for 5 weeks and ive stayed the same but this week im trying to be a little less strict on eating…
  • omg im like obsessed with the scales i weight every am and every pm before bed if i get up and it says ive put on i get all upset about it so i dont know y i do it really but glad im not the only one who does it but im gonna speak to my partner tonight and ask him to take the scales away from the bathroom and put them back…
  • well done hunnie thats fantastic i dont weigh in till thursday so fingers crossed for me but i aint getting my hopes up as ive only lost 1lb in a month lol i go to zumba 1-2 a week and the gym 2-3 times a week and still nothing :( keep up the good work tho your doing great x
  • ive just bought a hrm wtch off ebay cant wait for it to come can you wear it all day? lol i aint got a clue but would be interesting to see how much i do burn off as i dont include like walking to shops or cleaning as an exercise which i do everyday but some peeps are different. x
  • ooooo i love zumba too its amazing im going tonight too xxx
    in Zumba Comment by lesleyk26 January 2011
  • hey ladies i have been told i have depression but i started to take my pills for 2 months but then i kicked myself up the *kitten* lol so now i dont take then and i just try and get over the bad days. i seen my doc this am she thinks that i still take them but i dont i have a follow up appointment next week and im gonna…