

  • Hi! I just got a fitbit flex a few hours ago so I'm setting it up and trying to figure out how it works, what to do, etc. I have heard good things about this but I do not personally know anyone who owns one, so I would like fitbit friends. Here is my link:
  • I liked them. They were very effective. The only problem I had was that I get bored doing the same workout day after day. The times increase as you work your way up. If I remember correctly, the beginning level is around 20-30 min and you work your way up through three levels, ending at around 60 min. (don't quote me,…
  • I am 5'6" and between 135-140 was a good weight for me. I think I have a med build. Maybe a little towards large because I was in a size 10 at 148 lbs. My friend is also 5'6", and she weighs 117 and looks great. I guess it's all in your body type. I like to think I just have heavy bones/muscle. LOL
  • I really like Kashi Go Crunch. I eat it one of two ways: with almond milk, or mixed into plain greek yogurt with a little honey. The second way will keep you full for hours!