

  • Thanks dorothytd! The funny thing is that I actually considered, for a split second, becoming a walk leader at some point. Can you tell me more about why you became one and at what point in your walk at home journey you decided to become certified? I'm really interested in hearing from an actual walk leader! Thanks!
  • Sorry for the double post. Still figuring out how to post in groups. I really like the idea of doing yoga to relax after more strenuous exercise. I think I'll try developing a relaxation practice to do after my p.m. cardio routine. Thanks for sharing!
  • Hi, I'm Danie! I'm originally from Los Angeles, California and I have lived in Minnesota (South Minneapolis) for 11 years, and love it. Even winter, but especially Spring and Fall. :-)
  • Welcome, Tricia! I'm new to the group too. Congratulations on starting to walk at home with Leslie's dvd's! I love them! I think there might be a forum pinned for introductions, though I may have this group confused with another. I just go through and look for discussions that people have commented on recently, or…
  • Did another 1 mile walk tonight to burn off some energy and help me sleep! :-D
  • I woke up this morning feeling very hormonal, and not in the mood for much of anything, ESPECIALLY not exercise. Me and a friend planned last week to get together today and exercise, and I resisted the temptation to call her and cancel. I'm glad I did! Leslie's 1 mile walk at home was just what I needed to put me in a…
  • A heart rate monitor is a great idea! I'm getting one!
  • Oops...still learning how to use the forums. :tongue: Thank you everyone for your encouragement! Its great to be a member of such a supportive group of people. :smile: It feels good to have a place to come to where I can be open and honest about my fears. I'll stick to my goal of continuing to move throughout the duration…
  • I did it! :bigsmile:
  • The last time I was weighed I was 276. I'll be your friend. :-)
  • I've found some great yoga dvd's at youtube! I especially like the one's that offer in depth help with modifications for specific postures. There are tons of full classes at youtube too!
  • Hello ToughChik75! Congratulations on your weight loss, and thank you so much for the warm welcome and the friend request! I look forward to having your support, as well as being supportive of you on your journey! I love this site already!
    in Hi! Comment by daneegurl75 January 2013
  • Thank you, nylphia for your encouragement! I like what you said about taking it a day at a time. I have a bad habit of projecting into the future to the point where I get overwhelmed, which often leads to inaction. Staying in the present moment will be a huge help for me on my journey! It is very nice to meet you, and…
    in Hi! Comment by daneegurl75 January 2013