lluckenbaugh Member


  • I've signed up for my first 5k in March. I can't run/jog, but I can power walk. Today I did the 3.1 mile in 55 minutes. That included some hills, not sure if the course will have them or not. Do I need to do this everyday? Or every other day?
  • I like it sweetened. What do you purpose I put into it to make it sweet. I refuse to use any of the 'fake' stuff. I was always told the Raisin Bran is good for you. Do you have another cereal in mind that is better?
  • Oh trust me, it is very good. I could really over eat on it, but I know I can't. And the squash keeps me 'regular'. :wink:
  • I raise my own eggs, free range. Really no clue if that changes anything or not. This is how I do my eggs: 2 eggs in a bowl, whipped with a fork and nuked for a minute. Looks like an omelette, no added fat, all egg. I throw them in to bring up my protein count without adding carbs.
  • It didn't happen last night for some reason. But then again, I ate supper at 8:00 also.
  • I was to the Dr. last month and had all tests from Aids to Zits run and everything was good. That was my 'female Dr.' person. Next week I go back to the 'head Dr.' for my monthly appointment. I can make an appointment for 'the family Dr.' but since I had all the tests done last month and they show nothing, my insurance…
  • Wow, tons of answers. Some I like and some I don't LOL. I don't eat lunch, cause A. I don't get up til after lunch B. I'm not hungry after the shake and banana and eat in the evening when I am hungry. C. I'm up til early morning, so see A. I walk a 20 minute mile in the evening when it is cooler. Yes, I was actually higher…
  • Tonight I added 3 oz. of baked Haddock to my 4 oz. of broiled boneless, skinless Chicken breast. Lots and lots of fresh steamed veggies and I still only got it up to 887 calories. Wouldn't you think if my body was in starvation mode, I would have no energy and want to sleep? I have lots of energy and feel great. :ohwell: