35yearplan Member


  • Bump... I had no idea you could cook like this in a crockpot!! SOOOOOO excited to try!!!
  • I think the all natural plain yogurts are the healthiest way to go. Modified corn starch, high fructose corn syrups found in processed foods are BAD!!! I agree, if you add your own fruit, to let the frozen fruit thaw enough that the juices mix in for a better taste. But, if you think about it, low fat yogurt, even…
  • I enjoy running, but am not a marathoner for SURE!! I haven't paced myself running outside because I usually run a trail by my house and don't know the exact distance, and it has been a while since I have been able to run outside because it is 28 degrees today where I live. But, I ran for an hour the other day outside, and…
  • Ok, so maybe I missed the answer to this, but I am going to Zumba tomorrow and I was trying to see what the numbers would be like if I added it to my exercise tracker. Why is it not something we can choose from? I am new to this whole site and don't have a clue how to add something new... I don't have a heart rate…
    in Zumba Comment by 35yearplan January 2011
  • bump Sounds fabulous!! Thanks for sharing!! :)