Newish to running, question about running outside

mandyshell Posts: 55
edited September 23 in Fitness and Exercise
Hello all :) I started the c25k program in December. I have always ran on my treadmill at home. Basically because it's 30 degrees here right now, lol. When it warms up a bit, I'm wanting to run outside though. I think I will enjoy the difference in scenery and things like that. I was talking to a friend last night and she said that when you run outside, you will run further than you do on a treadmill running the same amount of time. Is this true? I told her that where I'm at right now, I can jog a mile straight. It's about a 15 minute mile, so I know it's slow, but will I run a more than a mile outside if I run for 15 minutes? It just made me curious. And is it harder running outside than it is on a treadmill?


  • Naomi91
    Naomi91 Posts: 892 Member
    It honestly depends on the person, for the longest time I could only run on a treadmil because I couldnt pace myself outside and would get wore out easily. And now I can run a 10k on the track but HATE the treadmil. Its more of just a personal preference

    Its easier to zone out while running outside though. I feel more like I am making progressw since I am actually moving somewhere xD find a destination to run to, see how many miles it is, and see if you can run more outside :]
  • fzyfrog
    fzyfrog Posts: 456 Member
    When I first started running it was much harder outside than it was on a treadmill. But after running outside for so long now, I find it much harder to run on treadmill. Go figure.
  • FitJoani
    FitJoani Posts: 2,173 Member
    in a way yes. there is wind resistance. plus tougher terrain. If you wanna make a transition set your treadmill to a 1% incline for now then try a track for a little its softer than asphalt and flat. It s boring though.
  • borkjr
    borkjr Posts: 14
    There's no simple answer - could depend on whether there are hills and terrain changes to see if it's 'harder'. I find running outside a lot easier because I end up running at my natural pace, rather than being pushed to go at a certain pace on the treadmill. You may go quicker, you may go slower, you may alternate - but it will be more comfortable.

    There's a few run/walk methods out there that may be helpful if you're new to running and at 1 mile right now. There's some zero to 5k programs that start you off running for 2 minutes, walking for 1 minute, etc - might help you get through it and start.

    The best part about running outside for me - there's no clock to stare at, I don't get bored, and if I map out a certain distance run - I only have to go halfway - the other half is just getting home :)
  • utes09
    utes09 Posts: 561 Member
    I can't stand running on a treadmill...I get really bored and can make it barely a mile. I've found that if I'm running on a treadmill I have to push myself more because the treadmill is "pulling" me. It's setting my pace. I can usually run a mile outside in around 11 minutes, if I'm on the treadmill I set it to 6.0 since I'm not getting the same incline changes and what not that would get by running outside.

    I think everyone is different. Don't fret cold weather, just get some cold weather gear and you're good to go! I run in 20's if there's not snow everywhere!
  • khelwig
    khelwig Posts: 15
    WOW, 30 degrees sounds warm! I run outside no matter what the temperature, unless it gets to dangerously low wind chill temperatures (which happens in Wisconsin!) When that happens, I am forced to run on the tradmill but I hate it. I love running outside with my iPod. Each run, I try to go a little further than the last run. Congratulations on running your first mile! Take it one mile at a time and consider each on a success. Also, Congratulations on 59 pounds lost - that is fabulous! Do you have any running goals? If you set a goal or sign up for a 5K (3.1 miles), then you have something to work toward. There are so many great resources to help you train. Check out and Also, Runners World (www.runnersworld) has great info. Good Luck!
  • I can definately see where it would feel like making more progress since your actually moving. I'll try it when it warms up a bit outside. And wow, it's weird how your body can change your prefrences like that, lol. Crazy. Thanks!
  • 35yearplan
    35yearplan Posts: 7 Member
    I enjoy running, but am not a marathoner for SURE!! I haven't paced myself running outside because I usually run a trail by my house and don't know the exact distance, and it has been a while since I have been able to run outside because it is 28 degrees today where I live. But, I ran for an hour the other day outside, and ran five miles. Which is about a 12 minute mile right? I have noticed on the treadmill I run anywhere from a 10-12minute mile, but I rarely run 5 miles on a treadmill. It's just too boring. I think you might run further distances just because being outside you won't notice the time as much as you do inside. I also think the more you do it, the faster you get. When I ran that trail regularly, I would notice I would get through my songs on my playlist a lot faster when I was more consistantly running. I don't know if that helps. But, ultimately, I think it is a very personal thing. And so many factors can make a difference. Diet, stress, motivation...etc.

    Good luck!! My one suggestion is to have your gait/foot pattern analysed and wear the proper fitting shoes! It is soooooo worth a few extra dollars to not have the resulting injury or pain from the wrong shoe!!
  • Thank you guys all so much. You are all very inspiring! It's great to see different perspectives and recommendations. I'm more excited to start running outside now. I am just anti-cold weather, lol.
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