tomcat941 Member


  • My most valid excuse was knee injury, because that affected not only my exercise, but also my daily life. My weirdest excuse was because i was home alone, and the house seemed rather creepy, and i thought it might be haunted, so i couldn't exercise, because the ghost's were upstairs so i had to be downstairs, where i can't…
  • You can read brain over binge, that has helped me and i have BED. Basicaly it says this; The higher brain is like the frontal lobe, which as you know, our frontal lobe is significantly larger than that of animals. It's what allows us to interpret message from other part of a brains and choose either to ignore them, ro act…
  • I think she was just saying that she thought the person looked good in the before picture as well as in the after picture. i think some people find it attractive because it's appearing in a lot of magazines now, and a low of celebrities have it, which makes it desireable. However, it's mainly due to bone structure. You…
  • Hey, i'm on day 6 of p90x, and i've gone 9 days binge free (i've been diagnosed with BED, but reading brain over binge has helpeda lot) and now i'm determined to lower my body fat from 35.5% to about 15-18% (or whether i feel healthiest at, i have yet fo discover) Hoping to lose 7% in 50 days, which is about 10 lbs, so…
  • Yeah, i'm up for it! Started p90x a week ago, and hoping to lose 10lbs in 50 days! So yeah, count me in :)
  • I have a mate who did it, and showed us some videos, and it looked interesting. Me and a few of my other mates really want to do it, but we need to build up our fitness first. The electruction part seems difficult though, but the majority of it seems fun. THe ice bath is just mind over matter i think, although you…
  • Just a little update for those that are interested, but i'm now 5 days binge free (which is a major success for me) and i still don't have any urges, and i still feel confident that i have recovered for good :) Deffiantly a good book haha
  • Recovery from binge eating disorder :D I can make it official if i make it a month i reckon, but i already know that i can do that.
  • Yeah, i was lucky to get the book for free, but before then i had also been on her website-it's good stuff, although she expands a lot more in the book, and makes it a lot easier. I've had several urges to binge and i've overcome them all today, although i gave up halfway through exercise but seeing as i wasn't able to…
  • No problem, it's deffiantly a worth while read :)
  • Hey :) I'm hoping to get into acting when i'm older, hence the reason i'm getting into shape now. I think being happy with your own body will also give you the confidence boost that will help you in auditions and on stage (i'm assuming you work in theatre, or are you also tv/film?)
  • Shameless bump (think its allowed because I've seen others do it, sorry if it isn't) because this is the second thread I've posted that hasn't been replied too, and I'm getting a little frustrated. Sorry if I seem impatience it's just annoying to see threads getting replied to, and thread with posts of like 40, and I seem…