Collinsky Member


  • Bikram is 90 minutes, so you can get a lot of calories burned in that time, especially if you are very overweight to begin with. However, I find that there is a lot of tendency to overestimate calorie burn, so I'd be skeptical of any numbers that large. I would think a more realistic result would be about 300-400 or so…
  • Seacoast NH - everyone here felt it except me, it seems. LOL
  • I finished C25K a year ago, but I keep forgetting that I took several months off and only started running regularly again three weeks ago. The difference between where I was and where I am now is probably one major reason I'm feeling frustrated. I'm basically starting over, and should probably just be glad I'm not starting…
  • <-- coming across this was really helpful. I've been barefoot running "for over a year" but I took quite a long time off and just started up again with regular running 3 weeks ago. OF COURSE I'm not as fast or running as far as I'd like. I'm getting out of it…
  • Agreed. I prefer burpees to a lot of other things... and sometimes I look forward to them. Jumping lunges can take a jumping leap off a cliff, though.
  • Jumping jacks are the devil for SUI. Seriously... pretty much anything else can be managed, but that... ugh. Even if I empty my bladder immediately before and then every ten minutes during the workout, jumping jacks WILL make me pee. (The bladder isn't actually a fluid holding sack, it's more like a sponge that never…
  • Unless you have an injury of some kind (knee, etc) then you can totally do it! Just do what you can. :)
  • Thanks - that's what I suspected! I was curious. :)
  • Is it possible for you to do a couple push ups on your toes, and then do the rest on your knees? Over time, the number of good form regular push ups you'll be able to do at once will increase. I don't stop the DVD if I'm out of breath - even the in-shape folks jumping around behind Shaun T sometimes take a breather, they…
  • Sorry, my math was way off... I've got a total of 16.91 miles here. (18.91 if you add the walk.) Not sure where the extra five came into play! :)
  • 9/8 - 2.61 mi 9/12 - 3.15 9/14 - 2.0 mi 9/15 - 1.17 mi 9/18 - 5.2 mi 9/20 - 2.78 mi (plus 2 mi walk) Total so far: 21.91 miles (or 23.91 mi if you include the walk... I haven't been, but maybe I should?) September goal: 30 miles
  • I'm a naturalistic pantheist, in the seacoast area of NH. I don't belong to any Pagan community, but I have several friends who are Pagan or Pagan-ish so there's always someone to get together with on the Equinoces and Solstices, etc, if we want. Our UU church also has an "Earth-based Religions" group, although the leader…
  • I don't think that Jillian Michaels is the same intensity at all, at least not the ones I've done. Not saying I don't like them, they're just different. I haven't done the Asylum, but it sounds like that might be something to look into? Also, online, BodyRock is pretty awesome HIIT - they vary the challenges so it's always…
  • Exactly this. I had a monumental !!Way Over!! day before, and I was quite panicked. I posted here trying to figure out what to do, and the advice was consistently: dust yourself off, and pick it right back up, because it's going to be okay. And it was. Try looking at your deficit over a week's time, or even over two…
  • I'm glad I'm not the only one who would actually rather encourage a healthy relationship with food that will carry on into adulthood, rather than win the battle and lose the war. I would honestly rather have my kids be picky eaters who learn to eat healthfully within their preferences, than grow up eating what other people…
  • That's a fantastic idea! I have five kids, and I know they have apple preferences, but I can never remember which ones are the favorites. A taste test would be so fun, and lucky for us, this is the time of year to head to the pick-your-own orchards!
  • When they're little, it's easy to keep track of their food... but when they're 9 and going over to friends houses after school, or having sleepovers, or whatever? Unless you keep you child on a very short leash into their teen years, at some point they're going to be sitting in front of Twinkies and Twizzlers. :smile:
  • Exactly this. Even if I were making sudden, sweeping changes to my own diet, I would understand that for my kids (who theoretically, didn't make that choice themselves) I would need to make gradual changes. I make their favorite foods more healthfully, for instance. Junky food becomes more and more rare, but isn't…
  • Did my regular run this morning, 3.74 miles there, and then the kids' running club had me running laps. It was fantastic! 9/8 - 2.61 mi 9/12 - 3.15 9/14 - 2.0 mi 9/15 - 1.17 mi 9/18 - 5.2 mi Total so far: 14.13 miles September goal: 30 miles
  • One of the fitness inspiration things I pinned (on Pinterest) said, "Someone busier than you is running right now." For me, I made it "Someone more tired" because even though I'm frequently busy, it's rarely as big a barrier as needing a nap tends to be! LOL
  • I backtracked hardcore... over the last year, I've gained back every pound and every inch that I had lost before that. Setting a goal for myself (for me, half marathon) helped get me back on track. I felt really motivated, and truly had a shift in my focus from "how heavy I am" to *what my body can do.* Then me and my kids…
  • I'm an ENFP.... I don't personally get as much from the Meyers-Briggs as I do from the Enneagram, though. Anyone interested in personality typing system should check it out!! It's awesome.
  • I get that you're talking about walking, specifially, but I keep hearing people say that about running barefoot (or in VFFs)... but it's not really supported by anything. I could just as easily say, "Try to stick to harder surfaces, like pavement, and avoid spongy, squishy surfaces like grass." I prefer running on the…
  • Hi! Please feel free to add me as a friend... I also wanted to suggest that you check out The Mood Cure. That book helped me get back on track and I can't recommend it highly enough for anyone with depression, anxiety, mood swings, irritability - anything like that. It was by far the best $8 I ever spent!
  • Went for a short run today! I needed to make a quick trip to the grocery store, which is about half a mile away. Instead of driving, I threw on a backpack and jogged there, and then did the jog home with my groceries on my back. 9/8 - 2.61 mi 9/12 - 3.15 9/14 - 2.0 mi 9/15 - 1.17 mi Total so far: 8.93 miles September goal:…
  • I'm sure it's been said a million times, but I want to add, because this is vitally important: when you're starting out barefoot running, if you do too much, too fast, then it *will* hurt your feet and possibly lead to injuries like plantar fasciitis. Unless you're used to going barefoot a lot, the soles of your feet have…
  • I'm not the one you're asking, but as one who does run barefoot outside, on track and pavement, I can say that once you build up the strength in your feet (basically, once you get used to running barefoot) it doesn't hurt. When I ran in shoes, I would always get shin splints, and occasional knee pain. I hated it, avoided…
  • The reason I ask is because usually, if the pain is on just one side of your body, that's more likely to be an injury that requires rest and/or attention. Pain on both sides might be more soreness. Naturally, your body is yours, and you need to do what feels best. If you think it might be an injury, treat it like an…
  • Is the pain in both legs, or just one?
  • It really sounds like it might be a phase, and that no changes are really necessary - as hard as it is, it will probably resolve itself when baby settles. Finding some breastfeeding support (LLL is great, but other options can be fabulous as well) might help you figure out if it's just one of those super intense patches…