Anyone out there doing Insanity?

I am new momma. I have done P90x 2 years ago, and Chalean Extreme after I had the baby. I am looking for tips on modification. Is it better to eeek out a couple of push ups on my toes slowly, or drop down and do 8 good pushups on my knees. Also, is it better to stop the dvd if I am way out of breath, or take a quick breather, and jump back in and go very slow? I stugel with this.


  • shquig
    shquig Posts: 68 Member
    I just bought insanity and am eager to do it. I pulled my achilles and have an appt. to see the doc, hopefully he'll get me patched up so I can begin! You look great, btw. Whatever you're doing is working!
  • Collinsky
    Collinsky Posts: 593 Member
    Is it possible for you to do a couple push ups on your toes, and then do the rest on your knees? Over time, the number of good form regular push ups you'll be able to do at once will increase.

    I don't stop the DVD if I'm out of breath - even the in-shape folks jumping around behind Shaun T sometimes take a breather, they walk over to the edge and grab a drink of water, or they kneel down for a few moments - and then they jump back in when they've caught their breath a bit. So that's what I do. I also dial back my intensity if I'm getting too winded - I'm trying to get in shape, not win any prizes! Keeping track of your heart rate can help you know when to keep going, push harder, or dial it back.
  • I would do what you can how they are doing it in the video, then do modifications. I did insanity then the asylum and modifications for pushups were my best friends! You WILL get stronger so stick with it! Better to just keep going then to stop and take a break (unless you HAVE to)
  • Do the closest movement you can manage with good form. If you fail completely just keep moving somehow. I jog in place sometimes when I am to far gone to keep up. Just don't stop!!!!!
  • brimarie95
    brimarie95 Posts: 81 Member
    I have been doing P90X since March and I just ordered Insanity yesterday. Planning on starting in a couple weeks. Your posts are making me a little nervous.
  • pa_jorg
    pa_jorg Posts: 4,404 Member
    Do the closest movement you can manage with good form. If you fail completely just keep moving somehow. I jog in place sometimes when I am to far gone to keep up. Just don't stop!!!!!

    ^^ This. And never stop the DVD. It's easier to see improvement over time when you know you did more this time than last time.
  • Collinsky
    Collinsky Posts: 593 Member
    I have been doing P90X since March and I just ordered Insanity yesterday. Planning on starting in a couple weeks. Your posts are making me a little nervous.

    Unless you have an injury of some kind (knee, etc) then you can totally do it! Just do what you can. :)
  • Tank_Girl
    Tank_Girl Posts: 372 Member
    Im going to start insanity in a few days... As long as my nephew lends me the dvds if I start now I will be finished in time to participate in my usual winter activity schedule.
    Im also kickboxing twice a week and swimming & gym once a week.