velrist Member


  • Recognises it as Pi?
  • I'm 4ft 11, weigh 154lb and am 44 with a reasonably sedentary lifestyle. My current TDEE is 1496, even when I get to my desired goal weight and BF% my TDEE will be 1400 or so. In all honesty, if I am not eating crap then 1200 calories is more than enough, I am TINY and have a tiny stomach, I can happily eat kid's sized…
  • Most Zombies are pretty slow and easily outrun but they don't need to sleep and can survive on brains so I reckon endurance training is probably the most effective. That said, there could be zombie mutants or ones that were particularly fit before they transformed, or they could be ghouls in disguise and they are…
  • It sounds like your pre-menstrual time is kicking your behind this month. Hang in there. I don't know anything about Jenny Craig but if you eat less calories than you burn you will lose weight. My weight fluctuates by as much as 5 lbs over the course of a week but I only have it count on 1 day a week and those TOM days are…
  • I'm 4 ft 10 and my heaviest was 172lbs, my goal weight is 105 but I have a long, long way to go to get there.
  • I lost 30 lbs before starting with MFP a couple of weeks ago. Not quite boob shrinkage - my back size went down and my cup size went up by 2, it's almost impossible to buy bras in my size anyway in the UK and now I need all new ones. Feeling cold a lot more plus calorie restrictions meaning I don't warm up by eating. I've…