LiLanids Member


  • I have absolutely no doubt you will hit your goal, having watched the runs you log so consistently up and down the countryside. You and your wife are definite inspirations and proof that we can all do it with willpower and the love and support of our friends and families. You should be proud of yourself. I don't know you…
  • That is extremely impressive- you look great at your CW. Hats off to you, sir.
  • :P to you, H4rpy! You're just saying that because you've lost a higher % than I have! ;)
  • You're quite right that it's a great site for support. I just passed through my 100lb lost mark (50 before I joined MFP, but still have almost 2x that to go) and decided I wanted insurance in the form of friends for feedback and support. It's proven to be very useful and keeps you engaged with the whole journey that much…
  • Love the attitude, Beth! You are absolutely right- YOU are the one in charge. Cravings are nothing more than errant chemical reactions in your brain, and they can't control you once you take control from them. That's one of the hardest parts of the battle, but once it's nailed, the rest gets easier!
  • Congratulations and great job on your journey so far Nickie! It can be daunting, but a positive attitude and strong support can make it almost easy, I think.. almost!
  • Thanks, KM! Between coworkers who are starting to notice the changes and folks here, I think I'm going to get all the support I could ask for. :-)