Hello All!

Well here I am again, after 18 months of not logging in, I have come back. My first item of business was to update everything and to my dismay, not very much needed changing. That's right. In 18 months I have not lost one pound. Haven't gained either so I supposed that's a blessing, but come on! How can nothing have changed in more than a year! Now, a year is my goal. I have exactly one year from today before my wedding. I need all the support I can get. So far, I've been very sedentary, and a fast food addict. I eat the hell out of McD's! I am hoping that being on here I will find myself more accountable for my decisions, and less likely to make the ones I know shame me. I'm also hoping for support and advice from others who have overcome fast food addiction. Sometimes I feel like a zombie, just driving through the fast food window, whether I wanted to or not. It's like being controlled. Well no more. I saw my perfect wedding dress online today and Ill be darned if I'm going to give it up just because I cant seem to control my food habits. So today is the day! Countdown to a new me, and a new dress!


  • LiLanids
    LiLanids Posts: 8 Member
    Love the attitude, Beth! You are absolutely right- YOU are the one in charge. Cravings are nothing more than errant chemical reactions in your brain, and they can't control you once you take control from them. That's one of the hardest parts of the battle, but once it's nailed, the rest gets easier!
  • CountdownToBeth
    Thanks for the support. Btw, where did you get that progress tracker? I see a bunch of folks with them but I cant seem to figure out to get one myself.
  • diadia1
    diadia1 Posts: 223 Member
    Go to APPS--> then TICKERS --> changethe styleof your TICKER.

    Everytime you check in (put your new weight it wil change automatically).
    HOME-->CHECK in.

    Hope it helps.
  • CountdownToBeth
    Yup got it! Thanks!!!! :)
  • diadia1
    diadia1 Posts: 223 Member
    I was not really addicted to fast food before. Now when i feel like i want to i am always asking myself "is it worth it? Does it worth
    x min/hours of exercise? Most of the time it does not.

    It takes time to befriends with your addiction fast-food (i say "befriend" 'cause it never really goes away). You need to be able to control it or learn to cope with it.

    What has helped me too is i am doing for losing weight quickly and feel deprived too. I am just making it part of a lifestyle. If one day i want to eat a lot, then i do it. I just make sure the days after i don't. This is what i've been doing for the last 2 months and so far i lost 13lbs. and i have done it in a healthy way not feeling at all that i was on a "diet" cause i am not.

    I suggest you first try tolog everything you eat and tracks all the calories and after a few days,you will start noticing where you get your craving more and wehat may triggers them.

    I send you a Friend request as well if you need more support.

    BTW. I do have a bad craving for chocolate but i make sure i have a small portion (sometimes large) everyday.
    Before every store i used to go i would buy chocolate bar if they have at the cash counter.EVERTYIME! Now i always think that i will have one portion at home. and the feeling/urge to have it does seem to decreasas the months goes by.

    2articles i read a month ago and they may interest you.
    Fast food you can actually eat: smaller/healthier choice

    in the bottom of the page Confessions of a Junk Food Junkie: 6 Tricks to Kick the Habit

    Remember it does not have to go fast. it is a WALK to a new health and a new you.