Need to lose 100lbs and need support

Hi, I have gone up and down in weight and it is certainly not as easy as when I was in my teens/early 20s to lose weight! This is a great site from what I have heard and would love to meet people to help encourage and support each other. Best of luck!


  • qtgonewild
    qtgonewild Posts: 1,930 Member
    welcome. this place works wonders if you work it! feel free to add me for support, I have that much weight to lose as well. i am extremely motivated and log daily. just start by logging everything that goes by your lips. you got this!
  • bunnybutler29
    You are right this place is pretty awesome. The tools to log and track everything makes it easy and helpful. The people that you make friends with here are great motivators and are on some kind of fitness journey of their own. So in a way we can all relate to one another. If you want you can friend me. I keep an open diary and try to log daily.
  • LiLanids
    LiLanids Posts: 8 Member
    You're quite right that it's a great site for support. I just passed through my 100lb lost mark (50 before I joined MFP, but still have almost 2x that to go) and decided I wanted insurance in the form of friends for feedback and support. It's proven to be very useful and keeps you engaged with the whole journey that much more.. it really helps it become a total lifestyle change, which is what we're all here for I think. :)

    So cheers and welcome to MFP! :drinker:
  • zagon_the_ultimate
    *looks down at his weight ticker*

    i know exactly where you're coming from :smile: . send a friend invite.