

  • I would guess it might have something to do with the fact that you are only using 10 ounces of chicken for 6 servings. That is only slightly more than 1/2 pound. When you spread that out between 6 servings, you really aren't eating that much chicken.
  • A little hershey's syrup in the cool whip would probably make a good chocolate cool whip.
  • I go with my machine but it has a HRM. I would say if yours has a hrm and you are using it, go with the machine. MFP over estimates in the exercise area I have found.
  • I have had IBS since I was 14yrs old. The symptoms of IBS and Celiac are very similar. You can tell by a simple blood test if you have Celiac. If you do not want to go to the dr, try eating gluten free for a week or two and see if that solves your problem. If not, you probably have IBS which can be regulated with meds.
  • 2 additional tablespoons
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