Gluten allergies and IBS? Celiac Disease?

aigéan Posts: 69
edited September 2024 in Food and Nutrition
Caution: below may contain some unpleasant words!

Hey everyone! I don't know much about gluten allergies, but I've been reading stuff for the past 30 minutes and had some questions for anyone who has a gluten allergy. I think I have IBS because I frequently get diarrhea when there really isn't any reason I should have it. Has anyone ever heard that they are related?

Also, can anyone give any information on celiac disease? I looked through the symptoms, and they seem like problems I have, but they could also be other problems..

Please help! :) Thank you!


  • I have had IBS since I was 14yrs old. The symptoms of IBS and Celiac are very similar. You can tell by a simple blood test if you have Celiac. If you do not want to go to the dr, try eating gluten free for a week or two and see if that solves your problem. If not, you probably have IBS which can be regulated with meds.
  • RTricia
    RTricia Posts: 720
    I'm gluten free... stomach issues from wheat, gluten and gliaden.

    I'm also dairy-free which causes severe pain if I go that route.

    Have your blood tested by either/or your medical doctor and/or natural medicine person.
  • mpdes
    mpdes Posts: 40

    I had the same type of problems and they found I was reating to a celiac disease test, but not the major one, so i was not declared like a 100% celiac disease case. Just consult your doctor and you might have some answers. I found that sometimes it's mostly the stress that aggravates those symptoms.

    Good luck!
  • kac7700
    kac7700 Posts: 125 Member
    I have that exact same problem. You may just be gluten intolerant, which is still troublesome. I have tried to eliminate as much gluten as possible from my diet. On gluten free days, I feel great. On days when I am willing to suffer the conseqences I'm in the bathroom non-stop. bloated, and lethargic.

    Experiment with your diet and see what works for you. I would recommed staying away from processed gluten free products. In order to make a product that normally contains gluten into gluten free, there are a lot of added sugars and fats to make the palatable. Stick to whole foods and you should be fine.
  • porcelain_doll
    porcelain_doll Posts: 1,005 Member
    You could also have colitis. A good friend of mine has it. She doesn't eat gluten or dairy products. Right now she's working with a holistic gastroenterologist that she found online. His name is Dr. Albert Snow. I don't know much about him. Seems to be helping her, though.
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