wurstera Member


  • Had the Whiskey BBQ salad from Red Robin, thinking I was doing the better thing, and it had over 900 calories in it! Craziness
  • 29 from Iowa here! Add me if you wish!
  • I used to have this recipe for an amazing vegan carrot cake. I found it on vegweb.com a while back. I made it a few times and would bring it to family get togethers and it was gone before I knew it! Sorry I don't have the recipe but check vegweb they have some amazing recipes.......
  • Seitan is pretty tasty when mixed with some spicy sauce as hot wings! I was a vegetarian for a while and a vegan for 6 months (just to see if I could do it). I bought some hemp protein powder which was decent mixed with bananas and peanut butter in the blender.....
  • Going to give up soda for a month (and hopefully longer)! This will be a challenge considering I'm slightly addicted. Current weight is 205 and would love to be under 200 by the end of the month! Feel free to add me if we aren't currently friends. Any help and motivation throughout would be greatly appreciated!
  • I just signed up for my first half marathon for this September in Racine, WI (September 22, Biggest Loser Half). I don't really have a goal time cuz I"m just starting to get back into running again. I ran a 10 mile run in Colorado Springs, Colorado about 3 years ago and finished in 1hr 27mins but I was also 50lbs lighter!…
  • Close! Except our start weight.....
  • Hello all! Age - 29 Height - 5'8" SW - 212 CW - 210 GW - 160
  • I just posted a topic about myself being addicted to Pepsi's new Diet Doc! Its crazy once it gets a hold of ya. Today was my first day in a while without having one and I am going to shoot for more days. I hope I can knock the habit completely. Good luck to you as well. I agree with trying fizzy water, that seems to give…
  • No children as of yet but you can still add me if you wish.......
  • Raised in Northwestern Illinois but just moved to Dubuque this last November! Just signed up today.....
  • Hello from Dubuque! Just moved here in November but grew up in Northwest Illinois......