Diet Coke addict!

I've been on my weight loss/healthy life style journey for almost 2 years before joining MPF.
So I've already been able to get myself into good habits (sometimes I fail...:) ) and learning to actually enjoy eating healthy and exersizing. But my problem is and has been for quite awhile now is the Diet Coke.
It was actually easier to quit smoking than to stop drinking it. I know that Diet Coke has zero cals, but it's just not healthy...period. Especially the amount I drink in a day.
So I was wondering if anyone else has this problem or if someone had this problem and how you you able to stop drinking it?
I guess this goes for calorie sodas/drinks as well.
Thanks in advance for your help.


  • lisa1913
    lisa1913 Posts: 4
    I hear ya. I only drink about 1 a day and not quite every day, but it's still hard to not think about it. Every time I think I'm going to try not to drink a Diet Coke, I end up getting one. I'm hoping to hear how others have been with this addiction.
  • garryt1980
    garryt1980 Posts: 44 Member
    Yup, I was a cola addict until I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. Then I switched to coke zero. Since I'm trying to be as committed as possible to this life change, I've really tried to reduce my soda intake. Not sure how many you're drinking, but I was doing maybe 12 cans a day. I do zero on most days; some days 1-2.
    It's just another element of controlling what you put into your body.
  • phillrachel
    Mine is Diet Mtn Dew. I have one at work every morning. Most days I am down to 1 can a day. I used to drink 2-3 cans a day. However I know its not good for me. I need to quit drinking it all together. All pop. Curious to see how others have given it up. I have been drinking pop since I was 12 and way too much of it. That is nearly 20 years of a habit I need to end.
  • Scott2ndGradeTeacher
    Scott2ndGradeTeacher Posts: 147 Member
    If you drink more than one doet soft drink a decade, your liver will spontaneously combust!

    (Sorry I have been reading too many posts on MFP!)

    I personally recommend Pepsi Max for those that choose to indulge in diet soft drinks.
  • Koholint
    Koholint Posts: 104 Member
    Try transitioning to fruit-flavored seltzer waters instead, they taste just as good as diet soda (and practically are.) But don't stop there... Go from that to flavored waters, and then from that, to just water. Or you could try soaking some fresh fruit slices in a jug of water in the fridge for a day, and see how you like that. There are lots of alternative options for you... The best thing is to just drink water if you're thirsty, but if you have to transition to that slowly, it's better than keeping up the soda habit!

    I used to drink diet sodas all day, every day, until I learned that they affect your blood sugar practically the same way that regular soda does. I had symptoms of insulin resistance (precursor to Type 2 diabetes) and now I don't. The biggest thing I changed was that I almost never drink soda (maybe 2 or 3 times a year, I have a small glass.)

    One more thing you could do, is you could try to deter yourself from the soda. When you find yourself reaching for it, try drinking 1-2 cups of water instead and wait a few minutes, and then ask yourself if you "need" that soda.
  • Kamnikar64
    Kamnikar64 Posts: 345 Member
    The only way I was able to stop was cold turkey and it wasn't pretty. I got a little grouchy! I quit for Lent one year and I do occasionally have one here or there, but I usually chose water now.
  • fenderbender87
    I have found that switching my diet coke out for a sparkling water has helped. You can add lemon to it and it definitely gives it a nice little flavor. I know it is not the same as a Diet Pepsi, but it has helped me cut back...although I still have an occasional dp. Good luck :)
  • 1goodgranny
    I used to drink regular Pepsi. A LOT. When my doctor said to give up smoking or Pepsi, I also chose to stop smoking. That was 31 years ago this May.
    2 years ago I was able to make the switch to Diet Coke, so at least I got rid of the calories....
    However, I can't stop drinking Diet Coke! I have given it up for Lent twice, but this year I couldn't do it. I think it is because I was already changing my diet to healthier foods & restricting calories to 1200/day.
    But anyhoo, I drink 3-20 oz bottles a day. While it is my only vice, I don't like being addicted to anything!
    I think that once I reach my goal weight I will try again to kick the DC habit.
  • Koholint
    Koholint Posts: 104 Member
    By the way, someone else on MFP referenced this medical lecture, and I was watching it this morning. I'm only half-way through it, but so far, it's been astounding!

    It's called "Sugar: The Bitter Truth" by Robert H. Lustig. Here's the link:
  • MyNameIsRita
    sooo is diet coke REALLY zero (or one) calories? If you stick to your daily calories, are you allowed to have a diet coke?
  • HeidiCooksSupper
    HeidiCooksSupper Posts: 3,831 Member
    Last night I had a Diet Coke, knowing it would be a diet STIMULANT and it did, indeed, cause me to snack to excess after I closed my food diary for the day. I am a Diet Coke junky. I love the stuff. But it is just too much of an appetite stimulant to allow it to sabotage my efforts toward keeping my circumference less than my height. So, look at it as a drug that is leading you down the path to pudginess and set it aside. Only have it on occasion, if at all, and only when you are going to eat anyway and do not have access to excessive snacks. Sadly, my evening Diet Cokes are, after last night, no more. I am bereft. But we can DO IT!!

    This goes for all artificial sweeteners. For many of us, they simply drive us to eat more. They trigger our bodies with their sweet taste to say, "Oh, boy! Food's on the way. I want it! I want it! I want it!" I don't know if this reaction increases with age. It seems to have for me anyway.

    Oh, and as to flavored seltzers. Make sure you get the ones without hidden artificial sweeteners like aspartame. They are often somewhere you wouldn't expect to find them. In the grocery we frequent they are over with the Quinine water and other mixers rather than with the other flavored waters.
  • jjuullzz
    jjuullzz Posts: 33 Member
    Diet soda does not affect your blood sugar the way regular soda does. I have Type 1 Diabetes, and if that were the case, I would be injecting multiple units of insulin every time I drank a can. Which is about 1 or 2 a day.

    Some people claim it makes you crave sweeter things, but honestly, I think it's different for everyone. Certainly not the case for me. I find if I drink a can of Diet Pepsi, I'm far less likely to give into my sweet tooth.
    RATSMITH69 Posts: 127 Member
    I've been on my weight loss/healthy life style journey for almost 2 years before joining MPF.
    So I've already been able to get myself into good habits (sometimes I fail...:) ) and learning to actually enjoy eating healthy and exersizing. But my problem is and has been for quite awhile now is the Diet Coke.
    It was actually easier to quit smoking than to stop drinking it. I know that Diet Coke has zero cals, but it's just not healthy...period. Especially the amount I drink in a day.
    So I was wondering if anyone else has this problem or if someone had this problem and how you you able to stop drinking it?
    I guess this goes for calorie sodas/drinks as well.
    Thanks in advance for your help.

    I used to stop on the way to work and get 32 oz then again during lunch another 32 oz. Now I only have one maybe once a month or so. Worst part for me was the caffeine headaches. Just a matter of sticking with it. I had to do unsweatened tea for a while just for the caffeine.
  • mummyzena
    mummyzena Posts: 259 Member
    I never drank much but if i did was a fizzy drink. Found that when i started back in the end of february made a decision that until i had drunk my 2 litres of water/squash i would not drink anything else... Havent had a fizzy drink since then.
    Maybe one way to do it?!xx
  • NadDrew
    NadDrew Posts: 56 Member

    Maybe you can try drinking Perrier, my favorite one is with lemon.

  • highervibes
    highervibes Posts: 2,219 Member
    I used to drink a lot of Coke Zeros. I quit cold turkey when I got pregnant but I do still have one from time to time (like If we're at a restaurant or I go to McDonalds... which isn't all that often so I don't stress) Cold turkey gave me a couple of headaches for a few days but I think that was the caffein withdrawal. After that, I FORCED myself to drink water cause I was ont of those people who "didn't like water" and now I LOVE water and drink about 96oz/day! lol Go figure!
  • StacieHof
    StacieHof Posts: 97 Member
    Liquid Stevia added to sparkling water is awesome without the diet soda side effects (they even have Cola flavor). My favorite are the Kal and Sweet Leaf brand's in many flavors...Caramel Cream, Vanilla Cream, Hazelnut, Almond, Chocolate, Grape, Orange Cream, Cola and many more! I love the Caramel Cream in my morning latte (my Starbucks Caramel Macchiato).
  • awkward_me
    I quit all cokes (I mostly drank diet) and sweet tea 9 months ago. I had to quit cold turkey because I kept going back to my habits of indulging. I lost 4 pounds (I think...maybe more, I can't remember) within a couple weeks just by doing that. Now I drink unsweetened teas (including green tea - which is available in a lot of flavors, but I just drink regular), and coffee. I'm trying to cut out some of the coffee too though. I also splurge (not very often, maybe once a month) on a slush at Sonic. Also, I got a filter for my tap water, so I enjoy drinking it a lot more! :smile:

    I definitely recommend quitting cokes, sweet tea, energy drinks, etc... I feel so much healthier without them... I have more energy/less sluggishness, which is weird because I used to think I needed the caffeine to keep me going.

    Only you know if it is better for you to outright quit or to cut back... You CAN beat this addiction though! :happy: Good luck!!
  • TLWallperson
    sooo is diet coke REALLY zero (or one) calories? If you stick to your daily calories, are you allowed to have a diet coke?

    I don't know. I have wondered about this though. Even though it says it doesn't have cals in one can, will cals begin to accumulate if you have say 10 a day? But then I wonder this about anything that says it's cal free.
  • wurstera
    wurstera Posts: 15 Member
    I just posted a topic about myself being addicted to Pepsi's new Diet Doc! Its crazy once it gets a hold of ya. Today was my first day in a while without having one and I am going to shoot for more days. I hope I can knock the habit completely. Good luck to you as well. I agree with trying fizzy water, that seems to give people that feeling of drinking cola. It worked for me for a little while.....