kbryanmc Member


  • It's a hormone injection=EPIC FAIL. Count your calories, work out=SUCCESS.
    in HCG Comment by kbryanmc June 2011
  • That's awesome! You'll encourage and motivate others to do so in this hot weather too!
  • I LOVE it! I love anything Jillian though. I just did the 30 day shred it, and now I'm doing the Shred It Weights. You can use either a kettlebell or a regular weight. I burn approx 285 cal/ 28 min and I'm 155 lbs. Good luck!
  • Jillian Michael's says its a great way to boost your metabolism when you hit a plateau because you're keeping it guessing! Just make sure you still make healthy choices while yo-yoing!
  • Awesome! You look great!
  • Yeast are not bacteria, they are actually classified as fungi. Don't trust vitamin shops. Nothing is tested or FDA approved. Whenever you have a super craving, grab a sweet tasting fruit, like a mango, cherries, pineapple. You'll get the sugar you crave plus the added antioxidants...without using unsafe untested "vitamins"…
  • Jillian Michael's suggests that if someone reaches a plateau in weight to vary calories consumed, but NEVER to go under 1200 calories. She said this keeps your body guessing and keeps the metabolism having to constantly "guess" what you are going to do one day to the next. Only do this is you are at a plateau, and cardio…
  • What a difference! You are looking so strong and toned! Way to go!
  • You are doing great! You'll see yourself losing weight in no time and increasing your endurance! Keep up the good work! And sorry about the snow!
  • I would LOVE to be part of this! I've been looking for a running support group! I jog on the treadmill right now because I don't have a good place to run outside, but hopefully that will change when the weather changes!
  • Our little visitors mess everything up! You retain lots of water during this time. I only lost .5lb last week because of it even though I was eating right and exercising. This week, I dropped 3lbs. It all evens out in the end! Don't worry about it! Just part of being a woman!
    in Women Comment by kbryanmc March 2011
  • 4th grade and 5th grade. Hit puberty in 6th grade and shot up like a weed and that helped even me out. 7th grade I was teased tremendously for being "fat" by 3 boys but when I look back at pictures, I wasn't fat at all! I was athletic looking, but I carried that painful memory with me for a very long time. It may be petty…
  • Go! No one will care if you came with no one or 10 people. And there are bound to be other people there who are there by themselves too! And if you make it a regular routine to attend this class you will get to know faces/people in that class! Good luck :)
  • I was a chronic diet coke drinker and about a year and 2 months ago I absolutely gave it up...cold turkey. I lost 3lbs the first week. I think what happened is the sodium in the drink was keeping me from losing weight. Every now and again I have HUGE cravings for it, but I resist. Another side effect of quiting was that…