5-7 people for running support, motivation, encouragement

Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
edited September 25 in Motivation and Support
Hi there :) I'm hoping to build a smallish group of mutual supporters for running / jogging. When I first started the c to 5 k program, we had such a thread and it made me really look forward to running. Then we "graduated" and parted ways. I kept up with it for over a year, loved it, and worked my way up to 6 miles. But then i started resisting it. The longer my runs became the more I would wonder "what's the point?" i was getting bored and no amount of varying the course eased my boredom. So I took a break. I want to love running again though. It's a great way to relieve stress, can be good "me" time, and made me feel strong.

Looking back I think what was missing was social support... Having friends who can relate to the trials and victories is important!

So if you're interested in committing to a regular thread where you report in, receive support, offer feedback and celebrate... Please join me!! I really look forward to running with you. :)


  • emmaleigh47
    emmaleigh47 Posts: 1,670 Member
    Im slow -- but consistent :)
    I am currently training for a couple of half marathons...
    I do run/walk intervals and I am totally ok with that ...
  • I just started in my running "adventure", if that is what You want to call it. :-) Started the c25K, and am on week 5 currently. I HATE running--plain and simple. But I'm trying to keep a positive outlook on it, so I hope to start liking it slowly but surely. I actually teach fitness classes, so I really enjoy doing group fitness, but I have been trying to "branch out" and incorporate other types of exercise, like running. I definitely need support--it's such a mental thing for me!!!! I'm in fairy decent shape, (but am currently trying to lose weight), but I need some tips on how to overcome my hatred of it!
  • I support you! I am training for a 10K and looking for other "runners" as well : )
  • MaryTheIceCube
    MaryTheIceCube Posts: 1,099 Member
    I'm in! I've completed a 4 mile run and two 5Ks and I'm currently training for my first half marathon, September 24. I'd love to share support and encouragement with other runners. :)
  • kbryanmc
    kbryanmc Posts: 19 Member
    I would LOVE to be part of this! I've been looking for a running support group! I jog on the treadmill right now because I don't have a good place to run outside, but hopefully that will change when the weather changes!
  • fzyfrog
    fzyfrog Posts: 456 Member
    I'm interested! I am currently training for my first marathon. I've completed 7 half marathons so far. My fastest half was 3:25, so I'm slow, but I have increased my speed quite a bit since training for the full. The farthest I've run to date is 16.5 miles and it took me 4 hours 45 minutes. I just finished a 4 mile treadmill run about 30 minutes ago. Hope to be part of this group! :D
  • alison2429
    alison2429 Posts: 236 Member
    I have messaged you - happy to be part of this. See my profile for more info about my running.

  • shedmonds
    shedmonds Posts: 5 Member
    Count me in too!

    I can't run 2 miles yet without stopping, and I've signed up for 10k in June.

    Just recovering from a stress fracture in my tibia, only a week until I can run again.

    Haven't got to the stage yet where I particularly enjoy it! I used to enjoy running when I was younger and still remember what it feels like to run comfortably, so my aim is to get that feeling again...

    Thanks for starting this group :)

    Sarah, York, UK
  • FitPhysique
    FitPhysique Posts: 284 Member
    I am a runner but taking a break from it bevcause I am focusing on weight loss. I now only run 3x-4x/week to maintain my base. I will start marathon training in July for the November Marathon in Philly. I'd most definitely would love to join this tread.
  • Romira
    Romira Posts: 41 Member
    Count me in. I would love to be part of this group as well. I currently run 2-3 days a week about 6 kms each time I run. I have never ran a marathon however one day would love to.
  • FitJoani
    FitJoani Posts: 2,173 Member
    Im in. I am training for my second marathon and I started as a person who couldnt even walk a mile without getting tired! Im here for support and advice
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I'm a new runner! I started C25K in December, and have run one 5k, with several more planned, and a 4.5 miler that I ran and walked. I'm planning on a 5 miler on May 1st, so I'm working up to that.
  • Legs_McGee
    Legs_McGee Posts: 845 Member
    I'd like to be involved. I love running and love encouraging others. I've done about a dozen half marathons and am training for my first full one at the end of June (Rock & Roll Seattle). (In fact, as I type this I'm sitting here in my sweaty running clothes....just came in from doing 11 miles in the rain:)
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    Wow!!!! This is AWESOME!!! Thank you everyone :) i'm posting this from my phone so will post more when I
    At a real computer - but you have all MADE MY DAY!!!

    I went out to see what I could do today and decided to just start all over at week 1 of c to 5 k. This time I'm in better shape than the first time around so pushes myself to run faster.... Maybe this will help me improve both speed and endurance?? Hoping so. Looking to getting to know you guys. I've decided you're my angels!!!! :)
  • emmaleigh47
    emmaleigh47 Posts: 1,670 Member
    I just started in my running "adventure", if that is what You want to call it. :-) Started the c25K, and am on week 5 currently. I HATE running--plain and simple. But I'm trying to keep a positive outlook on it, so I hope to start liking it slowly but surely. I actually teach fitness classes, so I really enjoy doing group fitness, but I have been trying to "branch out" and incorporate other types of exercise, like running. I definitely need support--it's such a mental thing for me!!!! I'm in fairy decent shape, (but am currently trying to lose weight), but I need some tips on how to overcome my hatred of it!

    You might "enjoy" it if you did a consistent walk run ratio of couch 2 5K. See my profile for more information...
  • emmaleigh47
    emmaleigh47 Posts: 1,670 Member
    I'm interested! I am currently training for my first marathon. I've completed 7 half marathons so far. My fastest half was 3:25, so I'm slow, but I have increased my speed quite a bit since training for the full. The farthest I've run to date is 16.5 miles and it took me 4 hours 45 minutes. I just finished a 4 mile treadmill run about 30 minutes ago. Hope to be part of this group! :D

    Hi girlie! :)
  • emmaleigh47
    emmaleigh47 Posts: 1,670 Member
    I have messaged you - happy to be part of this. See my profile for more info about my running.


    Hello friend! :)
  • 001971
    001971 Posts: 22
    I'm in. I'm a runner and would definitely like to share/receive advice. Please count me in!
  • skeene07
    skeene07 Posts: 57 Member
    Hey! Im already your "friend" and would love to be part of this thread!
    I have been really looking for new friends and support as well :)

    I ran a 10k trail run today. And have been training for a half marathon (my first) in two weeks...yikes!!
  • britanygtc
    britanygtc Posts: 8 Member
    I am a fellow sufferer of the running bug and would really like the moral support of this group. I started running when my MIL(a very fit 48yr old) told me she had signed the family up for a 5k but she would walk it with me. I started running then and there and managed to run/walk that 5k! That was two years ago and I am hooked! I trained for and ran 2 half marathons last summer and am training for at least one more this summer. I average 3 days of running a week with a long run of 6 miles right now I also cross train twice a week. I love it. My husband is military and doesn't understand running without a reason (like being shot at). He is going back to Afghanistan and I could use the moral support to keep going for my runs!
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