

  • Thanks for all the great advice everybody. I think I'm going to try a cheat day tomorrow and see what that does. I also drank more water today, so I'll try to keep that up as well. Hopefully I'll be able to get off this plateau soon.
  • Great job everybody!! I haven't posted in a while, so I thought I should check in. I've been doing really well the past couple weeks, but wasn't seeing it one the scale (thanks a lot tom). I was getting frustrated that the numbers weren't going down, but I weighed today and was down 1.8 pounds!! I'm halfway to my July 21st…
  • Great job jaybird!! 15 lbs in 15 weeks will be no problem for you! I bet you could even make it to 20 or 25! fooja, don't let this get you down, you can do this!! If you're thinking about food too much, try doing something to take your mind off of it; go for a walk, play a game with your kids, or pick up a hobby. I like to…
  • thanks for all the kind words everyone, i really do fell better now, just needed to get it out. bjberry: it's a nice thought, but i'm pretty sure it was someone who was after the car. i had a key to my car racks in the glove compartment and they left it out on one of the seats, so they were probably trying to start the car…
    in Bad Day Comment by monkey_2 April 2010
  • 15 weeks to go!! we can do it!!
  • Really wasn't looking forward to getting on the scale today, but it's been a while since I've weighed in, and thought I should see where I'm at. To my surprise, it actually went down!! WooHoo! At first I didn't beleive it, but hey, I'll take what I can get! So, that's 12 down, 18 to go!
  • I have started folding it over for some of them, and it does work pretty well, although sometimes I have trouble getting each side to have the same intensity.
  • I'm glad you got the calories worked out, you should definately see a difference. I had the same problem when I first started, but once i figured it out, i started seeing results. I'm hoping to get my ticker to 30 lbs lost by the 21st, so I've also got 19 pounds to go!! It's an average of about 1.5 lbs per week, so we can…
  • Thanks for the tips!! I might have to look into a different strength band, that's a good idea. I have upped the difficulty, I did one 30 day challenge at easy, and now i'm about half way through the 30 day medium challenge. I like the idea of the wrist weights, but I used them today, keeping them on the whole time (since…
  • My birthday is also July 21st!! I'll be 23 this year. I'm close to the same weight as you, and hoping to lose around 25-30 lbs by my (our) birthday. Feel free to add me as a friend if you'd like. Good luck with reaching your goal!!
  • haha, that's terrible! I completly forgot about the numbness, but I remember now that I kept touching my face (because it's weird to have no feeling) and my sister, who works at a dentists office, told me not to rub my face because you can irritate your skin and make it really red without even knowing it.
  • I got all four removed a few months ago, and it went really well. As far as foods go, absolutely no using straws or sucking, or eating hard things like nuts, popcorn, potato chips, etc. The hardest part for me was being so hungry because the soft foods weren't really doing it for me. I would definately recommend mashed…
  • I could always use more friends, the more people to hold me accountable the better :)
  • I had that same problem last summer. I ended up sewing a regular bra into my bathing suit, it worked really well
  • Just had a bowl for breakfast, sooo good! Plus as a bonus they turn your milk into chocolate milk! mmmmm......