22.3 lbs by July 21st



  • fooja
    fooja Posts: 451 Member
    hey, i finally lost some weight!! im down to 206, and i totally wasnt expecting to lose this week! ive got 3 months to get to 180.....im not sure if this is gna happen. its been 3 months already and im down 23 but the 1st month i lost 14 so ive only lost 9 the last 2 months. so i dont think im gonna lose 26 by july 12th. at the rate im going i'll probly only be 190 by then. but im not gonna complain, im just gonna keep doing what im doing and as long as im losing its all good!!!!!!!
  • Yayyy for JULY babies! My 27th birthday is July 20th! Twenty-seven is my favorite number so I'm pretty stoked. Just wanted to say great work, Lovingmyjaybird!! [Jaybird was my mother's nickname for my older brother growing up.. heheh] Anyhoo, you're doing great, and look great! And everyone else, congrats on the progress! You have definitely given me some motivation!
  • WAHOO! I am so proud of you..that is AMAZING! I'm so happy for you.. Even 190 is worth it.. You are going to be an official member of ONEderland soon..
    hey, i finally lost some weight!! im down to 206, and i totally wasnt expecting to lose this week! ive got 3 months to get to 180.....im not sure if this is gna happen. its been 3 months already and im down 23 but the 1st month i lost 14 so ive only lost 9 the last 2 months. so i dont think im gonna lose 26 by july 12th. at the rate im going i'll probly only be 190 by then. but im not gonna complain, im just gonna keep doing what im doing and as long as im losing its all good!!!!!!!
  • YAY!!!! And only 18 lbs to lose..you can do it! My mom started calling my son Jayson, Jaybird and it just kinda stuck.. I thought LovingMyDoodle would have been a little misleading lol.. (Doodle is a minute dude lmao). Thanks so much for the support..

    Just wanted to throw out a shout out and congratulate everyone on the weight loss. I have a big paper due on CYBERCRIME, so I won't be on for a few days.. but I will at least try to track.. I need a smartphone!!!!!!! lol anyways, good luck this week everyone!
    Yayyy for JULY babies! My 27th birthday is July 20th! Twenty-seven is my favorite number so I'm pretty stoked. Just wanted to say great work, Lovingmyjaybird!! [Jaybird was my mother's nickname for my older brother growing up.. heheh] Anyhoo, you're doing great, and look great! And everyone else, congrats on the progress! You have definitely given me some motivation!
  • mrswilkins
    mrswilkins Posts: 1 Member
    This isn't about my birthday, but I am going to be going on Vacation on July 10th and want to be below 200 lbs, which means I have 20 lbs left to lose. My plan is to eat healthier and to walk on the treadmill at least 30 minutes 4 days a week. Wish me luck!
  • fooja
    fooja Posts: 451 Member
    WAHOO! I am so proud of you..that is AMAZING! I'm so happy for you.. Even 190 is worth it.. You are going to be an official member of ONEderland soon..
    hey, i finally lost some weight!! im down to 206, and i totally wasnt expecting to lose this week! ive got 3 months to get to 180.....im not sure if this is gna happen. its been 3 months already and im down 23 but the 1st month i lost 14 so ive only lost 9 the last 2 months. so i dont think im gonna lose 26 by july 12th. at the rate im going i'll probly only be 190 by then. but im not gonna complain, im just gonna keep doing what im doing and as long as im losing its all good!!!!!!!

    thanks!!! i cant wait to be under 200...omg!!! its been so long!
  • LOL I'm a little envious.. weighed in this morning at 214.0, lets see if it works.. it's only 9:20 and I've already done a 20 minute walk and 33 oz of water, plus a well balanced breakfast... I NEED to see 213 point anything..I need it like I need oxygen lol
    I don't remember the last time I was under 200..
    WAHOO! I am so proud of you..that is AMAZING! I'm so happy for you.. Even 190 is worth it.. You are going to be an official member of ONEderland soon..
    hey, i finally lost some weight!! im down to 206, and i totally wasnt expecting to lose this week! ive got 3 months to get to 180.....im not sure if this is gna happen. its been 3 months already and im down 23 but the 1st month i lost 14 so ive only lost 9 the last 2 months. so i dont think im gonna lose 26 by july 12th. at the rate im going i'll probly only be 190 by then. but im not gonna complain, im just gonna keep doing what im doing and as long as im losing its all good!!!!!!!

    thanks!!! i cant wait to be under 200...omg!!! its been so long!
  • fooja
    fooja Posts: 451 Member
    so i weighed in today at 203!! whooooo hoooo!!!!! im soooo close!!!! i should be under 200 in 2 weeks, i hope! im expecting tom this week so i probly wont do so hot weighing in next saturday. like 2 weeks ago, i decided i needed to lower my calorie intake and it seems to be working!! i was eating whatever (not all bad food but some of it was) and i would just exercise it off that way it all balanced out on here. i had this mind set that it was ok since i was exercising it off, but it wasnt working. i think i just kinda needed a break or sumthn. it was all in my head, idk!! i didnt gain, but i wasnt losing really either. i was stuck for about a month and then i realized that i cant do that anymore. so, im trying to stay within 1500-1700 or 1800 each day regardless of my exercise. ive been using sat or sun as kind of a cheat day. i dont cheat every meal, but i will have a snack or sumthn that i wont normally eat. ive lost 5lbs in the last 2 weeks, i hope i can keep this weight loss going!!! its hard to get in that mind set to lose weight. ive had my struggles and im sure i'll have more. we just have to stay strong and not give up when we dont see the scale move!!!
  • YAY FOOJA.. It's my TOM.. and I'm always carbing.. it's bad.. I went up 1.2 lbs..but I know it's water because it happened in 24 hours..not possible...I'm hoping to be at 210 by May first.. I was at 214 for a while and now I'm back to 215.2.. but again, it's TOM and it happened in 24 hours, so Iknow it's just water weight.. the day before I started I'd drank 129oz of water..I'm going to aim at one lb a week tho'..This 2 lbs is getting to be too stressful.. I mean I'm down from 269, i knew it had to slow down eventually..so I'm not getting too upset.. plus gives me time to tone this extra skin.. EWWWW..
    FOOJA: Check out my picture..

    The one in the gray shirt was one month ago
    The one in the white shirt is this past Thursday.. only 5 lbs.. but massive inches.. can't wait to measure..
    I will post a start picture tomorrow when I dig out my flash drive!
  • fooja
    fooja Posts: 451 Member
    hey, i can see a difference in the pics!! so you've lost ove 50lbs so far?? thats awesome!!!! i know it sux when u start slowing down tho. i lost 14lbs in the 1st month and after that it slowed big time. after that i kinda got a lil bummed out and didnt focus as much. thats why i finally decided to kick it up a notch. i know i can do this and i finally realized that i cant let the scale get to me. as long as you dont give up you can be 210 by may 1st!!
  • Thankyou.. Yeah this has been a week full crappy food and crappy moods. But tomorrow, I'm back at it! =)
    Yes, I'm down about 55lbs.. got another at least 29 to go..
    hey, i can see a difference in the pics!! so you've lost ove 50lbs so far?? thats awesome!!!! i know it sux when u start slowing down tho. i lost 14lbs in the 1st month and after that it slowed big time. after that i kinda got a lil bummed out and didnt focus as much. thats why i finally decided to kick it up a notch. i know i can do this and i finally realized that i cant let the scale get to me. as long as you dont give up you can be 210 by may 1st!!
  • FINALLY...

    So yesterday.. We went to the zoo.. my son in the stroller, me pushing. We took the bus there, and walked abound for about5hours.. I'd say 3 of it was walking,.. We were there with my son's father, so when he finally left, I needed to clear my head.. so I said Oh well I can make the half hour walk to the second bus, to just have some quiet.. Well when I got to the second bus stop, I called to see when the next bus was do.. not for a half hour.. Well I told myselfto walk for that half hour.. I ended up walking all the way home.. just thinking, sorting things out and teaching my son about the different sites.. took me exactly 2 hours and 12 minutes to make the total walk.. which is 6.3 miles..

    I am so proud of myself that I could walk it after walking around the zoo all day.. plus I ate really healthy yesterday.. lots of fruit and veggies and got all 120 oz of my water into me! YAYME!
  • cbnorris
    cbnorris Posts: 204 Member
    My 27th birthday is July 18th. I currently weigh 196 pounds and I would like to be 175 by the time my birthday comes around.

    My plan is to keep track of my calories & eat back as many of my exercise calories as I can. I also plan to cut out soda & sugary foods (except for on occassion), drink plenty of water & get in cardio & strength training at least 3 times a week.

    So I weighed in at 186.8 yesterday. Two more pounds and I will be at a goal I set to hit over a month from now. woo hoo! I know I can reach the 175 mark by the time my bday rolls around! Best of luck to the rest of you with your goals!
  • Lisa1971
    Lisa1971 Posts: 3,069 Member
    I'm in!!!! I want to lose 30lbs by July 20th. I'll post my plan later because my son just woke up and started screaming!:sad:
  • I want to lose 15-20 lbs by July 2 (my 27th b-day). I kind of have a plan but not really. I'm not the healthiest eater in the world, but I don't mind working out so I'm thinking Cardio 4 days a week for an hour will help. Right now I do about 2 hours of cardio a week so hopefully the boost will take off some of this weight. As for food I'm going to go down to 1 can of soda a week, eat healthy breakfast and no snacks after 8pm.

    I've already lost 27lbs and am at a plateau. I've never lost more then 25 lbs, but then again I've never needed to. I really want to get this last 20lbs of post baby weight off me.
  • That's amazing! I am so happy for you.. what an inspiration you are =)
    My 27th birthday is July 18th. I currently weigh 196 pounds and I would like to be 175 by the time my birthday comes around.

    My plan is to keep track of my calories & eat back as many of my exercise calories as I can. I also plan to cut out soda & sugary foods (except for on occassion), drink plenty of water & get in cardio & strength training at least 3 times a week.

    So I weighed in at 186.8 yesterday. Two more pounds and I will be at a goal I set to hit over a month from now. woo hoo! I know I can reach the 175 mark by the time my bday rolls around! Best of luck to the rest of you with your goals!
  • 12.9... I've lost 9.4 lbs since I started this thread... YAY! lol
  • monkey_2
    monkey_2 Posts: 19
    Great job everybody!! I haven't posted in a while, so I thought I should check in. I've been doing really well the past couple weeks, but wasn't seeing it one the scale (thanks a lot tom). I was getting frustrated that the numbers weren't going down, but I weighed today and was down 1.8 pounds!! I'm halfway to my July 21st goal, woohoo!! 15 more pounds to go in 13 weeks, piece of cake! (well, not literally, but I will get cake on my birthday!).
  • I lost but gained some back. I'm on the way back down but now have 20 pounds to go before the vow renewal! Kicking myself for not getting it together sooner!
  • mirandar
    mirandar Posts: 12 Member
    I'll join, if that's okay. My wedding is 8/14/10 and my bday is 8/6/10. I would love to loose about 25-30 lbs before those two special days. How does this work? When do we weigh in??
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