22.3 lbs by July 21st

I want to be UNDER 200 by my 21st birthday. I'll be happy at 199.9..So I need to lose AT LEAST 22.3 lbs by July 21st. I'm down from 269 to 222.2. Who wants to do this with me? We have 17weeks and 2 days.

Here's my plan..


3 meals at 400 calories each
1 snack at 100 calories

100 oz of water

50 sit ups

30 minute brisk walk each night


90 minutes of cardio for the week broken up into 30 minute intervals

What's your plan.. ?


  • carrieliz81
    carrieliz81 Posts: 489 Member
    My birthday is July 21st as well!!!!!!!! Happy Birthday in advance, Birthday Buddy!! You can accomplish your goal, I just know it, especially since you have your golden birthday to celebrate at the end!

    Good luck and stay strong!
  • fooja
    fooja Posts: 451 Member
    hey! im hoping to be down to 180 by my bday which is july 12th. im currently at 208 so thats 28 lbs i gotta lose in about 3.5 months. i should be able to do this!!! i dont really have a set plan, just to keep watching my food and exercising!!! im also hoping to be under 200 soon.....my goal was 4-6, so that gives me 3 more weigh ins, but i havnt been losing much lately. even if it takes me an extra week or 2 i know i can do it!!!!! yea!!! cant wait! good luck to you!!!
  • mdiva
    mdiva Posts: 3
    I plan to lose 30 by my birthday july 24,

    3 meals 400 calories
    2 snacks 100 calories

    3 days a week cardio
    3 days a week brisk walking

    60 ozs of water I know I may need to increase this

    Just starting today 3/22/2010
  • gilliani
    gilliani Posts: 8
    This is my first ever post as I usually just join these things to use the calorie counters etc but you have inspired me enough to reply!
    I'm almost identical in my goals-

    At 223lb now and would like to hit under 200 for around the same date as you (its my birthday the 29th July!) I've already lost 3 stone (which has taken ages!!!) and now not sure if I should carry on with what I'm doing or change my plan to try to lose more quickly?
    This is my current plan:

    Around 1500calories total (cheat a little at weekends!)

    Wii fit or Wii just dance around 3 hours a week or fitness DVD 3x30mins a week(depends what I have time for)
    Some weights exercises for my arms

    Have found that some weeks I'm really good and don't lose but have lost 5 inches off my waist and 3 off my hips so sometimes not losing weight but inches.

  • lovingmyjaybird
    Thank you both! And happy early birthday to the both of you. I would love to lose my 2lbs a week every week until my birthday, but I'm trying to be a realist here, and I KNOW I slip up and gain a few lbs back the 3rd week of every month!
  • lovingmyjaybird
    I am so happy to see so many people with similar goals! Congrats to the people just starting out! and happy early birthday to all! We can do this! I am always looking for someone to be accountable to, and talk to about accomplishments and pitfalls!
  • gilliani
    gilliani Posts: 8
  • monkey_2
    monkey_2 Posts: 19
    My birthday is also July 21st!! I'll be 23 this year. I'm close to the same weight as you, and hoping to lose around 25-30 lbs by my (our) birthday. Feel free to add me as a friend if you'd like. Good luck with reaching your goal!!
  • gilliani
    gilliani Posts: 8
    Hello Lovely Leo's (are we all Leos born in July or have I got that wrong?)
    How have you all done today- I've been super-strict today and still have 300 calories left over before my excercises!!! Not sure if thats a good thing or if its better to stick to calorie target!??
  • fooja
    fooja Posts: 451 Member
    im a cancer, not a leo.....my bdays on the 12th, it switches towards the end of the month. the 22nd or 23rd i think. im supposed to weigh today but its my tom and im all bloated so idk if i should weigh myself. i dont know if itll be accurate. maybe i should wait til tomorrow or just skip until next week.......idk!
  • gilliani
    gilliani Posts: 8
    Oh yeah- thats right Cancer is start of July! I'm trying not to weigh myself everyday even though its killing me to wait till Friday!!!!
  • fooja
    fooja Posts: 451 Member
    oh wow, u weigh everyday??? that would drive me nuts since ur weight fluctuates daily!!! you should try putting the scale away somewhere so its not there in the bathroom with you. maybe if its not there 4 u to see it wont be so hard, or if u dont feel like digging it out then u wont be tempted to step on it!! good luck on friday!
  • lovingmyjaybird
    Hi everyone.. Well I'm down to 219.4...I am a cancer by the way!

    I weigh EVERYDAY.. but don't count it unless it is constant. Yesterday I was 219.4, today 219.4.. So I count it.. if tomorrow, I am 218.6 and then the next day I''m 218.. I won't change it until the next day.... I keep my scale put away, but dig it out first thing in the morning LOL it's an addiction..but it keeps me motivated, if I gain a few ounces, it drives me to work harder!

    Also I do weigh during my TOM but I don't let it drive me crazy because I know I gain during that time of month
  • al0ngtimecoming
    Well it's not my birthday but my friend is getting married that weekend and I'm a bridesmaid! So I am totally in for this...I have about the same amount I would like to lose by then! Good luck everyone!!!! :)
  • I have a big goal to reach by my by bday on Aug 13th too! I would like to enter my 30s under 200lbs because I entered my 20s over 200lbs. I'm about 215lbs now but would like to get as close to 180 by my birthday if I can. I'm so random with weight loss but have been on a downward trend now for almost an year! I weigh almost everyday but never count it unless I'm lower. I don't loose or for 2 and 3 weeks at a time then all the sudden I drop 4-7lbs that 4th week or so.
  • lovingmyjaybird
    How's everyone doing? I'm down to 219.0... 19.1 lbs to lose by July 21st.. I just changed up my entire diet plan (long story, I was technically starving myself and didn't even realize it.. not good!!!! ) But now I'm back on the right track, and want to know how everyone's doing.. I'm going to be sending each of you a friends request, I'd love if you'd add me! The more motivation we all get the better!!!!!!
  • cbnorris
    cbnorris Posts: 204 Member
    My 27th birthday is July 18th. I currently weigh 196 pounds and I would like to be 175 by the time my birthday comes around.

    My plan is to keep track of my calories & eat back as many of my exercise calories as I can. I also plan to cut out soda & sugary foods (except for on occassion), drink plenty of water & get in cardio & strength training at least 3 times a week.
  • monkey_2
    monkey_2 Posts: 19
    How's everyone doing? I'm down to 219.0... 19.1 lbs to lose by July 21st.. I just changed up my entire diet plan (long story, I was technically starving myself and didn't even realize it.. not good!!!! ) But now I'm back on the right track, and want to know how everyone's doing.. I'm going to be sending each of you a friends request, I'd love if you'd add me! The more motivation we all get the better!!!!!!

    I'm glad you got the calories worked out, you should definately see a difference. I had the same problem when I first started, but once i figured it out, i started seeing results. I'm hoping to get my ticker to 30 lbs lost by the 21st, so I've also got 19 pounds to go!! It's an average of about 1.5 lbs per week, so we can definately do it!!
  • NewBeginning2010
    NewBeginning2010 Posts: 235 Member
    Im totally in! My birthday is on august 31st and id like to be 160. Thats 47 pounds! we can do it...i need to start excercising. :sad:
  • lovingmyjaybird
    Monkey_2... It's awesome to have someone working towards the exact same amount to lose! YAY!!!

    Everyone is right, we deff. can do it!

    New Beginning... Don't push your self, don't make it a chore.. I did that and I dreaded working out so much that I half assed it! Make it count.. WANT to do it! I did my strength training this morning at 9am and I am still bouncing full of energy! You can do it, but you have to want to! I used to hate working out..now I LOVE it