lajohnson1959 Member


  • I would like to know how you avoid paying the 6.95 per month. I only got three months free. I have a Notebook II and for the three months it was free I could look at what I burned with the app on my phone. Seems like now that I have to pay, the only way for me to sync is to plug it into my laptop when I get home. I was…
  • Thanks. I would always tease my Mom that I inherited her knees. You guys are right - focus on the positive - that I can control.
  • Once you get used to your thyroid medicine it should actually help you lose. It took a couple of weeks once I switched from Synthroid to Armour, but now everything is starting to come together. I also love food - I could eat all day - this is not fun, but I keep dreaming about a new outfit because I haven't treated myself…
  • Hi I am probably going to get slammed for this but....I have been hypothyroid for over twenty years. I finally was put on armour in February and trying to get my hormones in balance - had a complete hysterectomy back in 1989. Anyway, my TDEE - 20% was 1587 calories. I tried that for six weeks, logged everything, exercised…
  • I just gained pounds LOOKING at the twinkies! I used to love the creamy filling:love: :love:
  • I'm dating myself but... I like MeatLoaf - the songs are long and fast. Poison, Guns and Roses, Tina Turner Jennifer Lopez Then some American Idol - Blake Lewis Jordan Sparks And even MerciMe and Mandesa.
  • All of you are fantastic! I am going to take all of the things you mentioned and put it on a sheet of paper - it will be like studying for an exam. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you:smile:
  • I too am trying to adjust to MFP and I started wearing a Body Media armband that just says calories burned and not anything more specific. I didn't log my exercises when I first started and wished that I had. I do Kettle Worx workout videos four days a week - at work. I am walking almost every evening over 1.5 miles. I…
  • Soapfan777 - I don't know how to "quote" to respond to a specific person yet - I am learning:wink: I will see if I can get into a nutritionist - I definitely don't need to add MORE fat to my frame. As I get more proficient in measuring and weighing I will move my calorie intake up to my BMR and see how that goes. Thanks.
  • Thank you. Ever since I have been on synthroid the doc would say "you are normal". And she WOULDN"T run the Free T4 and T3 even after I asked. She said it wasn't necessary. That is why I am so glad I found someone to prescribe Armour. I have been on it for a month - can't really see much difference - so I hope after my…
  • Thanks for all of your suggestions! I really appreciate your comments and will start being more diligent about weighing and logging.:smile:
  • Thank you for your reply. I usually am taking the total weight of a package of pre shaped hamburgers and dividing it up. I did just get a scale so I will weigh. The weight that I put was before cooking as well. Don't know if that makes a difference or not. Does it look like I am eating enough calories for the day if indeed…
  • thanks for the reply. Yes, I drink three to four 24 oz bottles of water each day at work and that doesn't include what I drink at night. I will have my blood work tested again next friday, the 28th and they will check my thyroid levels since I didn't start armour until the 12th of February. I do different work out videos…
  • Thanks for replying. I can't figure these message boards out. I didn't realize anyone responded to my thought.
  • I will let you know Wednesday after I weigh in if it was just a fluke or the real deal. I haven't seen any inches loss, but I have to wait a couple of weeks before I give in to measuring. I think mostly it depends on the person. I didn't realize how poorly I felt until I got older and found that I couldn't keep my weight…
  • thank you. I really like it as well. I can keep track all day long so I don't get off track.
  • Hi I had a complete hysterectomy in 1990. I am 54 years old - almost 55. I have to tell you, I was put on premarin and wasn't told that I shouldn't be on it for a long period of time. I have been on all of these years until 2012 when my doctor wouldn't prescribe it because my Mom had breast cancer. Well, the hot flashes…
  • I also have hypothyroidism and I can't count how many people say the same things - keep trying, you will lose weight. All I know is that I am very frustrated about how long it takes to lose weight. These are usually the people that can eat anything and still lose their weight when it's needed. I am a military member and…