Have you ever felt like a misfit?



  • losing270
    Well I want to thank everyone for their comments. I was trying to comment to each of you and that was getting rather tiring. So here is a big thanks to all who responded!! :flowerforyou:
  • LaserOctopus
    LaserOctopus Posts: 121 Member
    I have always been a misfit. But, I also do not give a wink about what anyone thinks of me. But, Making friends is not easy for me.

    I don't make friends easy either. I have a bit of trust issues

    I think both the difficulty making friends and the trust issues are directly related to being the misfit. I have brutal trust issues. I'm a huge extrovert (though, yes, as a direct result of always being the outcast), and while I can easily strike up a conversation with a total stranger, making actual friends is a *much* more complicated proposition. I'm not always good at maintaining friendships, either. I tend to assume people know I consider them friends and I don't have to tell them, despite the constant self-doubt in my own mind that makes me always question whether or not *they* consider *me* a friend if they don't remind me once in a while. Even being aware of it, I still do it.
  • Amberonamission
    Amberonamission Posts: 836 Member
    I want to be....a dentist!
    that is so great
  • Lose25now
    Lose25now Posts: 27 Member
    Oh yes. I am a nice person who would love ta have real friends. But I don't seem to fit in at work people. They even make plans to goout and don't invite me. I can let it bother me or move on. I have even gone on craig's list to look for new friends; still looking. As for people looking at you when eating/ they will look even when you are small. Difference is we are not as sensitive to it. Lets start with being nice to each other here; then tackle others.
  • Lose25now
    Lose25now Posts: 27 Member
    Sorry using the kindle/ will check spelling next time.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    I've always felt like a misfit. I just decided to love me and go with it.

    I'm childfree by choice in a world of moms. Agnostic in a community of Christians.

    I'm often the tallest and (until recently) often the fattest in any group of women.

    I have short hair, weird taste in music and Art (compared to most around me).

    I am generally liberal but have conservative views on a few things.

    I'm intelligent with an excellent work ethic and very little ambition. I can't handle the stress of a really difficult career and I'm not well motivated by financial success.

    I rent a little home and have zero debt and lots of cash in savings. Most people around me are struggling to keep up with the Joneses, pay for their McMansion, etc.

    My whole life I've tended to be the richest poor kid and the poorest rich kid and so on. Too fat for the skinny girls and too skinny for the fat girls. Too outgoing for shy people and too reserved for party people. Too hyper/happy to be goth and too introspective and artsy to be a jock. And so on and so on...even as an adult...

    Misfit yes.
  • McStefferton
    Ignore what others think of you, just worry about you and your own happiness.
    If people choose to be caddy and to think of themselves as higher beings that obviously shows that they lack self confidence.

    I have been on both sides of the swimming pool and truly no matter which side you're on you will always be a misfit if you see yourself as one.

    And hell, being a misfit is a compliment!
    Being a sheep, a follower is nothing but insult.
    Be proud to be different, hell, go insane.

    It's relieving.
  • caroldavison332
    caroldavison332 Posts: 864 Member
    One of the truly wonderful things about growing older is that you no longer care what people think of you. Most people aren't by the way. They are looking for what they want out of life, whether that be a # 10 woman to pick up, their friend, or whether the buffet has been restocked with shrimp.
  • losing270
    Through this discussion I have learned that I need to just let go and love me for me. I have tried in the past, but when I look in the mirror and see the *cough fat cough* it just makes me sad and well mad. Sometimes I wonder why my husband is still with me. I am not that skinny girl he married almost 20 yrs ago. I know he would love for me to be smaller. It is what it is and I am working on it! :-)
  • krussell1967
    krussell1967 Posts: 5 Member
    i am a total misfit. I now embrace it. I'm 46 years old , if you don't like what I do or say. F&%K off. Love others, live free, everyone else get out of the gosh darned way.
  • HappyMeLovely
    HappyMeLovely Posts: 134 Member
    Yes, and also this (below), because I've learned to love myself“She realized that life was what it was. Then, just that suddenly, she understood the only part of it she had any control over was how she lived it. So she chose to do it with self love.” ~ Queenisms
  • lajohnson1959
    lajohnson1959 Posts: 22 Member
    I also have hypothyroidism and I can't count how many people say the same things - keep trying, you will lose weight. All I know is that I am very frustrated about how long it takes to lose weight. These are usually the people that can eat anything and still lose their weight when it's needed. I am a military member and have to weigh a certain weight which makes it even more stressful.

    But, I trust in God and myself that eventually everything will even itself out. I finally found a doctor that will prescribe medicines that deal with "Me" instead of the numbers they see in front of them.
  • TheEffort
    TheEffort Posts: 1,028 Member
    I feel this way often...I'm learning to find contentment within myself instead of trying to "fit in" with others. :smile: