bodymedia link armband-anyone use one?

I started using a bodymedia link armband. Does anyone use one of these? This is the one that syncs with MFP automatically.
I love it but I have one question.
How does BodyMedia know if I am riding my horse or hiking? Does it matter or do I need to add these things that I do in. I see they are listed as activities, and I do get credit for calories burned, but...

I have been reading the community topics and I am so impressed with how willing and knowledgeable everyone is. It really means a lot to us that are trying to lose weight that there are those out there that don't mind taking the time to help out.



  • vmdave
    vmdave Posts: 64 Member
    Yup I have it I love it, not it does not know the difference all it knows is how many calories you burned. The calories you burned doing those activities is already included in the amount you burned. Unfortunately since it does not know what you were doing that burn off so many calories it will just put it in as bodymedia adjusted cardio when it uploads the exercise portion.
  • lajohnson1959
    lajohnson1959 Posts: 22 Member
    thank you. I really like it as well. I can keep track all day long so I don't get off track.
  • lovelayla
    lovelayla Posts: 123
    I used to wear one, but that sucka was ITCHY! I loved the sleep feature.
  • amsharma_ak
    amsharma_ak Posts: 15 Member
    Yes. Thats right. It only knows calories burned and based on the research that i have done, its the most accurate out there. (Although for me i feel it over calculates :) ). It's been an eye opener for me as far as understanding my activity levels and the calories that i burn in different activities like walking, brisk walking, elliptical, yoga etc. I was hugely surprised when an hour or brisk walking burnt almost the same amount of calories as being on an elliptical for almost and hour and burning my *kitten* of which is pretty hard on my body. Found it unbelievable in the beginning but looks like its accurate. I think its got a lot to do with free weights, body weight exercises vs machine assisted. Notice how the first few steps are harder on the elliptical and then it gets easy. Thats because the machine is assisting you, unlike walking on the road where in every step requires all the effort from you.:)

    Well that how i understand it at least. Hope this helps and good luck. :)