carolanneashton Member


  • Liverpool here as well feel free to add me
  • Hi, I am the same could not shift the weight as I could in the past and been diagnosed with hypo 6 days ago so my doctor said that is probably the cause so he prescribed me levothyroxin and after taking it for 6 days I have finally got past the 12st 6lb I haven't been able to get past over the last few months. People said…
  • I used to be on tramadol before I got pregnant then they lowered my dose to cocodamol 2x 15mg when i was pregnant, but i think I will have to go back upto 2x30mg I take it for my joint hypomobility syndrome which has gotten worse over the last few years trying to nurse little one till at least 1yr.
  • Same here I try and take after nursing, I was given morphine with my third pregnancy as when I got to hospital with chest pain that found out I had pre-eclampsia and really high blood pressure. I would of liked to breastfeed her but the meds they put me on I had to stop so only managed to feed her for 48hrs.
  • Thank you for your comment, I started taking my meds today so hoping the next few weeks I will feel alot better and be able to shift this weight and hope it will ease my joint pain. Wow 50lb loss is great when I used to be able to lose weight I had trouble maintaining but I am going to try even though my physiotherapist…
  • That is a fantastic loss! I used to love the energy I had so hoping to get it back, I will keep an eye on my supply I notice my baba gets abit cranky later in the day if I take cocodamol sometimes aswell.
  • Thanks for you reply NEOHgirl wow that is a big weight loss well done! I want to lose about 28lb which is my baby weight but having this and maybe with me breastfeeding is making it that bit harder and the fact that I am usually quite healthy but knowing these tablets are for life is just abit shocking since I can't…
  • My doctor prescribed me 8wks medication he said at 6wks go for bloods when it gets into my system and they will review just glad they tested me as I was always putting it down to my hypomobility I am taking cocodamol for that only 2x 15mg as that's all I can take with breastfeeding I was on tramadol before I got pregnant…
  • Wow they are the effects I am getting now I hope when I start taking mine tomorow I shift the other way, not hoping for immediate effect but the quicker I feel like my old self the better. I live in the UK so because it is a hormone therapy we get it free. Thank you for helping me get my head around all this its hard to…
  • Thanks for your reply VioletRojo did you have any side affects as they where uping your dose of you don't mind me asking, I am breastfeeding so that could be another reason why it maybe harder to lose as my other 3 I bottlefed thanks
  • Thank you, I have four altogether my first three I managed to shift the weight quite easily but I just can't seem to get a past a certain weight this time and feel constantly tired I log everthing and I find this app has done a great deal for me in the past just hope taking these meds do me some good!
  • I use a fitbit tracker I love it couldn't be without it now! feel free to add me
  • I always weigh before only because I tend to plan what I am going to eat that day in the mornings so it is not a rush at tea time.
  • Hi Kam, I am on the same journey as you, I started MFP when I had two children now I have 3! But MFP is definently the place to be it has helped me numerous times and the support on here is great!! Feel free to add me I have an open diary and good luck on your journey x
  • I love pizza I like to make my own but instead of the dough base I use a tortilla put some fiery pesto as the sauce base, mushrooms, onions chicken and low fat cheese and some peppers stick in the oven for about 5 minutes till the cheese melts and it's delish :)
  • Hi friend request sent, I weigh 155 and hope to get to about 140 but just like you I get down to 146-147 and can't seem to get any lower it is quite frustrating but we can do it :smile:
  • Friend request sent good luck on your weight loss :smile:
    in Hi Comment by carolanneashton March 2014
  • I have recently started drinking maxi muscle lean protein shakes after my workout and for me I feel full for a good few hours after I drink it. Before my workout I have a banana, a slice of toast with peanut butter on and a cup of coffee then a couple of hours later I go to the gym about an hour later which brings me to…
  • Hi I'm from Liverpool I log in everyday so feel free to add me :smile:
  • Definitely a steam boat southern comfort, lemonade and a splash of lime and lots of ice yummy. NIce and refreshing on a hot day :glasses:
  • Congratulations you look amazing!
  • 30g of Frosties everyday with semi skimmed milk