Yes. And it is pointless. I used to weigh in daily until I realized how dumb it is to do that. There is NOTHING to gain from it. cheerio!
DING! DING! DING! But I did crack up at the rolling doughnut comment.... LOL
You have been forgiven...
It is disappointing to see so many closed diaries.
Sounds like you're onto something there, detective!
People that feel the need to swerve all of a sudden into the lane to the right of him/her just prior to making a u-turn....c'mon, people?!?! You're driving a car, not an 18-wheeler!!
I snack a lot as well. I've been going nuts on Wheat thins sundried tomato basil! It shouldn't be a problem as long as you stay within your calorie range.
quit? lol that's a heck of a way to confront temptation by working in the candy store. I know I wouldn't make it. I'd get sugar poisoning on the first day.
Actually, an original breast with mash and gravy, mac and cheese and a biscuit from KFC does sound fabulous right about now.....*drool*
Great job, amigo! I've gone from 265 to 203 currently and am trying ti get to around 180ish myself! stick around! there is a ton of useful information here!
and the "starvation mode" debate, round 2,475 begins!
Is there room for a third bump? Sure. why not....
Why two different groups of people? Big problem. Why different calorie goals? Another big problem. This study is full of flaws.
I haven't given any of the foods I use to eat. I've simply changed how much of it I eat in one sitting and how often I eat it.
Only once a week, every Friday morning ish
Me too!! Let's start a thread for us guys called " Let's lose our man boobs in March!!"
What?? Chocolate??? *drool*
Eating before bed didn't harm my efforts on my way to losing the 60lbs that I did. But I THINK I can say that it may have affected my ability to fall asleep.
Hmmm...can't narrow it down at all. I just know I ate too much of it in one sitting and I ate it too often
I was getting that same vibe, amigo.
I think the author of the article in the link you provided may have missed the gist of it all.
Lots of good advice given! I would also like to add that you don't have to go cold turkey on the food you like to eat at the moment. I didn't give up fast food entirely and I don't plan too, but I did have to learn moderation. I had to learn portion control. So when you feel like mixing up your diet a little and want a…
I always find comparable items and average them out. I'll over estimate, though, since it isn't accurate info.
It is a challenge! Everyone is always asking me if I'm still on a diet..etc..and when I tell them I have another 20lbs or so to go they act so surprised and tell me that I look great and that I'll be too skinny by then. It is disappointing to hear that but I already know that I will never hear the truth from anyone. They…
Having trouble taking in calories and fat are we?!! it's amazing to see people struggling on the other end of the spectrum! I want to say that I wish I had those struggles but I guess the grass is always greener on the other side. Good luck and I'm sure others here can help! cheers!
way to go!
Hello there! You don't NEED to exercise to lose weight as much as you NEED to keep track of the calories and fat and so forth of what you take in. Exercise simply makes you lose weight faster IF you make changes in your diet. Your eating habits are where it all starts and ends. You may be sweating your butt off at the gym…