hardlyreal Member


  • I'm 5'4", and my tentative goal is 150, as it means losing a nice, round (ha ha ha puns) 100 lbs. I say tentative because I believe I was last 150 when I was about 12, and have no memory of what I looked like, and was still transitioning into a woman's body. So I have no idea what I will look like at 150, and it drives me…
  • I think that the big issues with potatoes is, of course, portion size. I could easily eat two cups of the healthiest potatoes in the world, but the reality is that a portion of potato is about the size of your average computer mouse. So as long as you keep on top of the portion size and keep out the calorie-adding-extras,…
  • http://www.cnn.com/2010/HEALTH/11/08/twinkie.diet.professor/index.html ...not like I'm going on the Twinkie diet or anything, but it helps me put into perspective the "guilt" I feel about eating the occasional Girl Scout cookie (those tiny sugared sirens...). I've done the super strict diets before, and it just made the…
  • It could be that you have a more muscular upper body while having a smaller waist. So you probably have way more muscles than others, which would explain the higher weight with the smaller size. It's all about how your muscles are distributed from being a gymnast...mostly in your upper torso and thighs. Edited to add: My…
  • I would try reinstalling. It *should* sync up with your online history once you log in on your droid.
  • Man, I hear ya on the late night thing. I usually don't get out of work until 9 or 10 PM, and Del Taco was a frequent stop (because who wants to cook at 10 PM?). My solution has been Subway. There are a ton of locations that are open until 11 PM (or even later), and there are way better options there than at the Del, and…
  • Everyone else has said pretty much what I would have, but I'll add this. I have totally done the starvation/anorexia thing, and it really screws you up. Do NOT be surprised if you GAIN weight when you go back up to what MFP has recommended as your daily intake. Your body will do that because it is freaking out, it thinks…
  • I'm the same way. I freakin' hate breakfast, too. My solution has been a Carnatoin instant breakfast with rice milk (I'm lactose intolerant) for breakfast, and snacking. Then I'm left with a manageable number for dinner.